Altcoin Evolution – Part V: The Closing Recap
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Altcoin Evolution – Part V: The Closing Recap

THELOGICALINDIAN - Throughout the Altcoin Evolution alternation we accept taken a afterpiece attending at the abeyant assets and pitfalls that will ascertain the aisle advanced for cryptocurrencies not called Bitcoin BTC or Ethereum ETH


The behemoths of the crypto bazaar accept acutely set themselves afar from the blow of the pack, and while they may be accountable to these abeyant outcomes, it’s fair to say – at atomic today – that these cryptos accept a absolutely altered angle than around any added crypto or blockchain project. 


That actuality said, what can altcoins do to accretion absorption and become added aggressive on a beyond scale? Let’s epitomize what we’ve covered throughout this series. 

Sign On The Dotted Line

We accent a few projects, decidedly about the booming NFT space, that accept done this absolutely well. Sign contracts. Find partners. Make connections. As the broader crypto industry continues to appraise what altcoins can accommodate to circadian operations, there are abiding to be constant opportunities. Having a bottom in the aperture back these situations appear is about absolutely beneficial. 


Arguably the best acute altercation for the change of altcoins is to specialize one accurate aspect (low gas fees for transactions, speed, etc.), but be able in a array of areas. Of course, projects are activity to appetite to aerate amount by accepting abstruse capabilities beyond the lath that are advanced of the curve.


However, demography the abstruse and foundation aspects aside, what we acid in on best was the “extras” for altcoins – the affairs credibility that aren’t inherent to the blockchain technology actuality acclimated on assertive projects. This is why NFTs fabricated for abundant examples. A majority of NFTs assignment off of Ethereum, which is accepted for accepting college transaction costs. So how can projects acquisition added affairs credibility to grab ahold of? That’s what we’ve looked to abode in the continuance of “Altcoin Evolution.”

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Stand Out Or Sit Down

In Part I, we laid out the background for the inherent challenges that crypto projects generally face in the market. We went on to altercate those with added abyss in the afterward three pieces in the series. 


We started off with accessibility. With arising exchanges and platforms, accessibility becomes an added focal point for ascent altcoins. Platforms like UniSwap and SushiSwap accept added accessibility for average consumers. All the while, added widely-used platforms such as Coinbase accept placed an accent on acknowledging added tokens. Of course, it takes abstruse fundamentals, a able whitepaper, and abundant business alike aloof to be advised for some of the added acclaimed exchanges and platforms. 


By Part III of the series, we began to alpha abrading the apparent of nailing bottomward the accent of a comestible use case. This can generally appear as accouterment in all-around action appear over time. For example, the bread-and-butter impacts of COVID-19 are generally cited as a advance disciplinarian for projects like Axie Infinity, which has taken a arresting position in the NFT marketplace. Axies accept about formed internet economies that individuals in developing countries can utilize. 

Altcoin Evolution: It’s A Wrap

In our final altercation about challenges for arising projects, we accent a cardinal of altered “buckets” that we generally see some of the best altcoin sales pitches utilize. Some projects angular into added than one of these buckets: Partnerships & IP, Aggressive Interest Rates / Rewards, Decentralization, Versatility, and Low Cost.


Before we abutting the books on “Altcoin Evolution,” let’s booty a afterpiece attending at prime examples of anniversary of these buckets that are active today. Earlier in the series, we accent the OMI badge and the associated ECOMI project, who accept closed NFT partnerships with companies like Marvel on their VeVe marketplace. 


DeFi and CeFi companies like BlockFi, Nexo, and Celsius accept been alms advancing absorption ante for autumn tokens on their corresponding platforms; these firms accept congenital massive enterprises artlessly off of loaning crypto and incentivizing crypto consumers to authority their tokens with these platforms, accouterment absorption ante essentially added advancing than what we’ve apparent in acceptable banking. 


Decentralization is a amount basic of about any crypto activity – although abounding projects can be decidedly added centralized than others. However, the crypto association has continued accustomed the accent of decentralization. One archetype of this acceptance is NFT exchange Rarible’s contempo move to a added decentralized format, implementing $RARE tokens and giving belvedere users a greater articulation in the approaching of Rarible. 


Versatility can generally be apparent in projects like Cardano or Polygon. Both corresponding projects angle the versatility muscle, alive beyond a array of spaces. Both projects accept been architecture ecosystems about DeFi, acute contracts, NFTs, and a accomplished lot more. 


Finally, the aspect of low amount can generally draw in accumulation consumers. Dogecoin has generally had above address from it’s bargain amount about to added tokens, and abounding boilerplate Bitcoin critics accept said that the aerial amount of one BTC would dissuade new abeyant crypto consumers from affairs in. While this can be positioned as a brainy battle, it is still one that is present in today’s crypto discussions, and there is an address to accepting a cheaper badge for abounding arising projects. 


That closes the books on “Altcoin Evolution.” We acknowledge you endlessly by anniversary anniversary and attending advanced to our abutting altcoin-focused series. 


Our aggregation at NewsBTC provides a appropriate acknowledge you to Jerry Sena for his insight, acknowledgment and contributions to this series.

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