Can Blockchain Voting Protect Election Integrity?

Can Blockchain Voting Protect Election Integrity?


“The ability beneath the Constitution will consistently be in the people,” wrote George Washington in 1787, assuming the accent of allotment one’s representatives. There are 252 million voting-age Americans with 59% consisting of the younger crowd who are Generation X, Millennials and post-Millennials.

Electronic voting machines (EVM) were aboriginal alien in the U.S. about two decades ago. Despite efforts to accomplish voting simple and convenient, alone 56% of acceptable Americans go to polls, baronial America 26th out of 32 automated nations in aborigine turnout. The lesson? Advances in acclamation technology do not abode axiological problems such as smartphone-carrying youth’s aloofness appear autonomous participation.

Yet the candor of elections is key to attention ascendancy and democracy, and digitizing the election is accustomed with dispatch up balloter after-effects and abbreviation costs by eliminating chiral counting.

Estonia, with its tech-forward culture, is the best acknowledged case of cyberbanking voting in Europe and conceivably globally. One-third (30%) of Estonians use e-voting which saves 11,000 alive canicule per election. And the Baltic nation of 1.3 actor uses blockchain-run ledgers for its acknowledged arrangement including legislation, administrative procedures, and badge work. Estonia is accepted to advantage its civic ID arrangement and blockchain basement for voting in elections, although bound trials accept so far been formed out.

In the U.S., EVMs from assorted manufacturers accept been apparent vulnerable to hacking, and in some cases after a trace of tampering. A affair with e-voting is that as balloter practices become complex, these centralized systems (which can accept a distinct abortion point) can abatement casualty to avant-garde methods of artifice that about-face votes appear adulterine acceptable candidates and referendums. Going forward, there’s a charge to architecture systems that alone affirm valid results.

Enter blockchain.

Distributed balance technology (DLT) comes in assorted forms, either via enterprise-grade platforms such as IBM’s or Samsung’s, or via peer-to-peer, open-source such as Bitcoin network. Blockchain can abate acclamation fraud, and this can be best benign to citizens of arrested markets, admitting these regions abridgement infrastructure.

The game-changing database fights artifice by capturing immutable, time-stamped annal (votes) that accord an electorate a distinct adaptation of the truth. It accouterment assurance abroad from (biased) third parties and (vulnerable) voting machines to a decentralized, tamper-proof arrangement of acceptance nodes who run agreed-upon protocols.

But adjustments will accept to be fabricated to fit the situation. “Voter allotment still needs to appear off chain,” Vipul Goyal told Crypto Briefing. Dr. Goyal is an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University who specializes in cryptography and IT security.

Dr. Goyal added,

There has to be an ascendancy who determines who can vote and who cannot. If the bureau determines that the user is acceptable to vote, the user receives a key or a token. This is agnate to accepting a coin. This badge can again advice the user to vote absolutely once.

While e-voting has not added aborigine turnout, DLT can affect greater aplomb in balloter processes. Goyal’s abstraction proposes single-use, tokenized IDs that accredit acceptable voters. These anticipate an alone from voting several times. One token, one vote.

“The apparatus acclimated to anticipate this is akin to the apparatus acclimated to anticipate ‘double spending’ in cryptocurrencies based on blockchains,” said Goyal.

Because a hacker would accept to ascendancy 51% of a blockchain network, accord measures would be tamper-proof. And thus, votes cannot be reversed. Certain processes may absolutely accept to be done off-chain, such as aborigine allotment and arising of aborigine identification.

There are able use cases but it is still in infancy.

The accompaniment of West Virginia, which has about 1.3 actor acceptable voters, this year went a footfall added by accumulation blockchain with a downloadable smartphone app. Venture-backed startup Voatz formed out the voting apparatus for across West Virginians, abnormally associates of the military. Under its scheme, the Boston-based aggregation uses blockchain to clue votes while the adaptable app does know-your-customer (KYC) and aborigine registration.

“Voters annals for the app by uploading a selfie and photo identification, and they charge go through a multifactor affidavit action to log in,” according to Slate. On its website, Voatz says administrators can use its voting apparatus for government, corporate, academic, bounded or clandestine elections.

Goyal says broadcast voting administering can assure the candor of elections by dispersing accident beyond assorted nodes:

The adorableness of voting based on blockchains is that it is decentralized. There is no axial bureau which charge be trusted to conduct the elections adequately and securely. Anybody can participate and become a bulge in the system. The nodes will collectively ensure that the arrangement is accessible throughout the continuance of the election, and that the votes are counted correctly. This is agnate to blockchain based cryptocurrencies: Availability doesn’t depend aloft a accurate trusted party, and, questions like which affair has how abounding bill are additionally answered in a decentralized address absolute of the behavior of any centralized authority.

In July, the Swiss burghal of Zug auspiciously ran blockchain-based voting in a analysis bounded election. This was accessible by application an absolute cyberbanking ID arrangement that authenticates voters, who would again download an app for registration. The pilot affairs was administered beyond several accretion nodes which broadcast risk. Officials focused on privacy, voting secrecy, and ensuring that voting after-effects can be verifiable, changeless and comprehensible, per bounded report.

Similar projects are actuality activated in Russia and Australia.

Moreover, DLT can be activated in added areas of politics, such as immutably recording candidates’ clue almanac on assorted issues such as immigration, gun rights, abortion, taxes, alms programs and others.

When it comes to voting, actual protocols are still crucial.

There’s a acumen amid technologists — and a chancy one — that blockchain will inevitably be acclimated for elections, political polling, action surveys, authoritative actor voting and added accord measures. That DLT as accustomed change of databases charge necessarily alter accepted practices. Perhaps that adaptation of history is unavoidable.

But as cyberbanking voting machines show, new tech best generally leads to new risks and ethical questions. Think Russia, China or a Banana Republic somewhere. If a aborigine lives in a administration disqualified by a tyrant, would she appetite her voting almanac and political preferences immutably recorded and about viewable? It should be asked: Can a administration use blockchain adjoin its bodies and not for them? While Estonia and Swiss authorities accept admired voting privacy, added regimes may not.

There accept additionally been initiatives in the U.S. and globally to apparatus mobile-based voting. But with malware attacks on the rise, designers will be tasked to actualize able-bodied apps that defended elections and assure citizens.

One of America’s Founding Fathers, Samuel Adams, said that voting is a solemn duty. “Let anniversary aborigine bethink at the moment he is alms his vote … that he is active one of the best austere trusts in animal association for which he is answerable to God and his country.”

The columnist holds BTC which is mentioned in this article.