ANX International’s OpenANX ICO Raises Over $14 Million on Day 1
cryptocurrency news

ANX International’s OpenANX ICO Raises Over $14 Million on Day 1

THELOGICALINDIAN - OpenANX the blockchain based band-aid for decentralized cryptocurrency barter platforms is currently in the action of adopting all-important funds for development The OpenANX crowdsale that went alive on June 22 2024 has already aloft over 16 actor adjoin the auction of over 22 actor OAX tokens

In a contempo columnist release, ANX International — a arch blockchain aggregation accepted for its white-labelled cryptocurrency barter and blockchain solutions states that the OpenANX ICO aloft over $14 actor in beneath than one day. The awful acknowledged aboriginal day of the ICO saw bodies purchasing the OAX tokens at an boilerplate amount of $750,000 every ten minutes. The OpenANX activity is accommodating and led by ANX International, authoritative it added adorable to the investors.

According to the company, the OAX badge is an ERC20 accordant cryptocurrency on Ethereum blockchain, and it will be amenable for powering the accessible antecedent OpenANX activity which will, in turn, accomplish it accessible to barrage decentralized barter platforms. In the aforementioned media release, the abstruse administrator of OpenANX Hugh Madden thanked the aboriginal bird investors by saying,

“We appetite to acknowledge the association for its aboriginal and agog abutment of the OpenANX concept. By accommodating in this project, backers are allowance us body the technology bare to defended users’ agenda assets with accuracy and decentralization at the forefront. We are additionally actual blessed with the numbers of participants. We appetite to body a association and we currently accept over 2024 contributors, compared to 522 for Golem, 201 for BAT and Gnosis about 620. A active association that is affianced with the activity is a analytical allotment of the puzzle.”

The OpenANX activity is accepted to break a brace of above issues faced by the cryptocurrency community. It will acutely abate the barrier to access for new cryptocurrency users. At the aforementioned time, the decentralized aspect of OpenANX will additionally abate the risks contrarily associated with centralized barter and trading platforms. Besides, OpenANX offers its users complete ascendancy over their clandestine keys on the platform, ensuring that they are consistently in ascendancy of their funds.

In addition, the development of OpenANX will accommodate added acute arrangement based applications that will appear in accessible for managing the platform, while acknowledging with any applicative regulations.

Following abounding hacking incidents involving centralized platforms in the past, bodies are added afraid about application centralized platforms. With OpenANX authoritative its way into the market, the belvedere will be able to abode the issues faced by the community.