Asian Altcoin Trading Roundup: Top Cryptocurrency is VeChain
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Asian Altcoin Trading Roundup: Top Cryptocurrency is VeChain


Xīn nián kuài lè, Happy New Year. It is the year of the dog but the beasts assume to be assertive the markets this morning in Southeast Asia. Most cryptos are trading college today with the barring of Litecoin which has cooled off a little from its two day surge. Bitcoin has burst through the $10k barrier and its ancestors are blind on for the ride. One bread is of advance trading college than the blow this morning and that is VeChain.

According to stats from Coinmarketcap VEN is up 15% on the day. The badge is currently trading at $5.82, up from $5 this time yesterday, over the anniversary it has apparent a 42% ascend from aloof over $4. VEN acicular to an best aerial of $9.37 on January 22 and has been falling anytime back until a turnaround on February 14.


VeChain claims to be a artefact based crypto which has implemented blockchain solutions beyond assorted industries such as affluence goods, liquor and agriculture. The abstraction is to ensure affection and accuracy for affluence brands and articles to action adjoin a growing atramentous bazaar of affected goods. Customers can use the arrangement to affirmation buying of affluence items which will be entered into their broadcast ledger.

The aggregation is set to rebrand on February 26 at a baroque accident in Singapore. VEN tokens will be adapted into VET tokens to reflect affective to a new avant-garde blockchain alleged VeChain Thor. This is acceptable to accept spurred greater absorption in the altcoin which is currently outperforming all others in the top 25.

VeChain is abundantly traded on Binance which has over 50% of the volume, $135 actor of which has anesthetized easily in the aftermost 24 hours. VeChain is currently at 17 in the bazaar accommodation archive with a absolute cap of $2.7 billion. There is a absolute accumulation of 873 actor tokens with 470 actor currently circulating.

The alone added altcoin adequate bifold chiffre increases in Asia this morning is Bitcoin Cash, up an absorbing 13.7% on the day.

More on VeChain can be begin here:

FOMO Moments is a area that takes a circadian attending at the top 25 altcoins during the Asian trading affair and analyses the best assuming one, attractive for trends and fundamentals.