DNS Hacking Attempt Shuts Down Service Few Hours
cryptocurrency news DNS Hacking Attempt Shuts Down Service Few Hours

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchaininfo is the latest victim of a cyberattack The Blockchain accoutrement and wallet account provider appear a aegis aperture affecting its DNS servers yesterday

According to the company’s statement, the advance happened at about 5:42 AM EST afterwards an alien antagonist managed to admission the DNS servers acceptance to The advance led to a acting abeyance of casework which was after rectified by the Blockchain’s team.

The company, in its blog post, claims that the advance was agitated out on the systems acceptance to the company’s DNS agent after presenting any blackmail to Blockchain’s own servers. However, the advance disrupted the casework of the belvedere for over 7 hours, abrogation its barter clumsy to admission the site.

The cyber-attack on’s DNS servers were agitated with abundant sophistication. As anon as the antagonist afflicted the platform’s DNS servers, the company’s basement aggregation was alerted. The team, in turn, shut bottomward the absolute belvedere and conducted added analysis into the incident. During the investigation, it was begin that the DNS servers were accessed by the abyss afterwards compromising the DNS registrar’s systems.

Once the breach path was identified, the agent manually regained ascendancy over the afflicted servers to backslide changes. The casework were resumed alone afterwards the fix was broadcast throughout the internet.

The attackers were begin to accept acclimated self-signed SSL certificates which prevented the Blockchain wallet users from actuality apparent to a phishing attack. In adjustment to anticipate any approaching attacks of a agnate sort, the belvedere has alien added offline controls. Even the systems acclimated by the attackers to aperture the belvedere has been articular and shut bottomward by the basement aggregation back then.

This adventure reminds the accent of cybersecurity for cryptocurrency platforms. If the adventure had gone unnoticed, the attackers could accept calmly redirected users abroad from platform, accepting admission to their login accreditation in the process. Armed with the baseborn credentials, they could accept alike baseborn Bitcoin from the wallets.