Coinbase Chief Policy Officer Calls It Quits, Is Crypto at Risk of Losing Talents?
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Coinbase Chief Policy Officer Calls It Quits, Is Crypto at Risk of Losing Talents?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The arch action administrator at arch crypto allowance and barter belvedere Coinbase has larboard his position for one at US adventure basic close Andreessen Horowitz

Is Michael Lempres’s move apocalyptic of a added crusade of aptitude from the agenda asset industry in the deathwatch of the 2025 buck market?

Will More Crypto Talent Follow Lempres’s Lead?

According to an commodity in Bloomberg, Lempres, has absitively to leave the position he started in September of this year. He will instead booty up a role with one of Coinbase’s ancient investors, Andreessen Horowitz.

The address goes on to advance that Lempres’s move, given the ever-increasing interest that U.S. and common regulators are demography in cryptocurrencies at present, creates ambiguity in the space. This is because the role of arch action administrator involves negotiations with assorted all-around regulators.

The exhaustion created by Lempres’s abandonment could abjure one of the better names in cryptocurrency all-important aptitude in allowance to beacon the conception of acknowledged frameworks activity forward.

Prior to demography a position as CPO, Lempres had aforetime served added than twelve months as the arch of the San Francisco-based crypto startup’s acknowledged department. Following the arrangement of Brian Brooks to the position, Lempres took up the role of arch action officer.

An email beatific from Coinbase to Bloomberg bidding account for Lempres’s advice in growing the aggregation over the aftermost year-and-a-bit:

“As arch acknowledged and accident administrator during a time of amazing advance for Coinbase, Mike was active in architecture the company’s acknowledged and acquiescence functions and active our eyes of assurance through compliance… We ambition him the best in his new position with Andreessen Horowitz.”

It would be accessible for us to artlessly articulation the accepted bazaar achievement of Bitcoin and added arch agenda assets with such moves from the brand of Lempres and cynically accompaniment that the above Coinbase arch action administrator is jumping address in the face of the epic amount declines in the aftermost few days.

However, there is little to advance that this is the case. Coinbase abide to aggressively hire and are still poaching ample names from added acceptable companies.

Related Reading: Former Coinbase Executive Joins Bakkt Amid Crypto Futures Launch, Massive Anticipation

You additionally accept to assume that any professionals who are so quick to canal agenda currencies over such a accelerated bead in amount are apparently in the industry to accomplish a quick buck, rather than allowance to redesign the actual bolt of all-around business and banking relationships.

Whilst we may absolutely see added big names leave cryptocurrency for added opportunities, those that abide do so with a affection added bound than anytime to create, build, and innovate. It seems abundant added acceptable that Lempres’s abandonment at absolutely the time of a massive bazaar abatement is artlessly a coincidence.