Crypto Hardware Review: Meet The Sleek Gray Corazon Titanium
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Crypto Hardware Review: Meet The Sleek Gray Corazon Titanium

THELOGICALINDIAN - A anniversary or two aback I got an unsolicited bulletin on Twitter Crypto Twitter if you will When the clandestine bulletin opened I was greeted by a agenda from GRAY a Singaporebased aggregation focused on luxurycentric hardware

To my surprise, their arch executive, Kevin Wu, was alms to accelerate me one of their latest articles — The Corazon Titanium, their comedy on cryptocurrency hardware that took abundant afflatus from the Trezor Model T, one of the top aegis solutions for Bitcoin “HODLers”. As I explained to my editor at NewsBTC, “the Corazon is appealing abundant a specced out Trezor T”.

In fact, the Titanium and others in the Corazon calendar were purportedly created in accord with Trezor, a well-known, abiding crypto upstart.

By the time I took a attending at GRAY®’s website, my concern piqued, so I accustomed the affectionate gift, and actuality I am reviewing it a few weeks later. Let’s booty a look, shall we?

Unboxing The Crypto Device

The actual nonchalant, simple unboxing adventures that the ShapeShift KeepKey, Ledger Nano S or Nano X, the accustomed Trezor Model T, and added accouterments crypto wallets accommodate weren’t present with GRAY®’s device.

First off, the box itself, which is closed by two ‘government-issued’ tamper-proof stickers, is absolutely clean. The architecture is minimalistic — my admired — and the branding is subtle. Plus, aggregate is in atramentous and white.

The cottony architecture carries over into the box’s contents. As apparent beneath (image from GRAY®), aloft sliding the Corazon-festooned awning off the box, you’re met with a matte atramentous block of cream in which the accessory is encased.

Under the cream allotment is a ample assemblage of crypto-related documentation, including a accretion berry agenda for those acutely acquainted about abetment up their keys. I know, the aforementioned old, aforementioned old, but important to accept nonetheless.

And beneath that is the diffuse USBC-to-USB cord, which, I charge say, looks a lot bigger than the Amazon Basics ones I adjustment on occasion, or alike the one that Ledger includes with its devices.

Overall, the unboxing acquaintance is absolutely agitative really, aloof what you would apprehend from a aggregation whose actuality is congenital on arch aesthetics and knock-your-socks-off artefact design. Fun, eh?

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Corazon Titanium

Although I commonly don’t admeasure a accomplished analysis area to the device’s physicality, the Corazon Titanium has to be an exception. The accessory is artlessly a beast. No joke.

While the Nano S is light, this accessory is heavy. It could calmly bifold as a really, absolutely apparent paperweight if you capital to. I don’t own a scale, but I would accept the Titanium weighs a solid 150 grams, not abundant beneath than the smartphone you are apparently account this analysis on. This may not complete like a lot, but if you were accustomed this in your pocket, you’d calmly notice.

The wallet has a nice finish, antic a nice amplitude blah blush arrangement and a brushed texture. And the GRAY® and Trezor branding are minimal, absolutely affectionate of complementing the accessory instead of afraid out like abscessed thumbs.

What’s best important admitting is the actual acclimated to body the Titanium. If you haven’t estimated it already, this allotment of crypto accouterments is congenital application titanium, “aerospace grade” titanium to be exact.

Due to some adverse logistical mishaps, I was clumsy to shoot, burn, or benumb the accessory to analysis its durability. But, because the attributes of titanium, I wouldn’t be afraid if it was abundant added abiding than the archetypal Trezor Model T, abnormally in agreement of temperature attrition and corrosion.

So accomplish no mistake, clashing your phone, the Titanium is absurd to calmly scratch.

Using it to Store Crypto

Despite its blatant appearance, application the accessory was simple and sleek. In fact, application the GRAY® accessory is aloof how one would use a normal, plastic-clad Trezor Model T.

To alpha the action of autumn your cryptocurrency bags, you bung in the accessory to your computer. The USBC ancillary goes into the Titanium and the USB ancillary goes into your computer. If you messed that up, I don’t apperceive what to acquaint you.

Upon active in the device, your computer should annals that article was acquainted in and the Titanium itself should about-face on, greeting you with a- digitally agog “Welcome!”.

As prompted, you are again declared to appointment, which will activate a advancement process, during which you will charge to booty your accessible accretion berry card, again ample it out. From there, you can again use Trezor’s software, namely a affairs alleged Bridge, to abundance an arrangement of assets.

These accommodate but aren’t bound to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple’s XRP, Litecoin, Tether, Stellar, Monero, Tezos, ZCash, all ERC-20 tokens, and Cardano. The specced out Trezor can additionally “secure your agenda identity”, as it does action a countersign manager.

‘Too Long, Didn’t Read’ Conclusion

If you don’t appetite to apprehend my accomplished review, here’s a abbreviate spiel.

Overall, the Corazon Titanium is a solid, nice-looking accessory that comes alien in a nice package. The accessory itself could calmly booty a beating, seeing that it is, afterwards all, congenital out of one of the earth’s rarest and hardest metals.

As a crypto asset accouterments wallet, it serves its purpose well, harnessing the technologies and aperture congenital by Trezor (Satoshi Labs) to acquiesce for accumulator of Bitcoin, Ethereum, added crypto assets, and alike keys for non-blockchain applications.

However, with the accessory clocking in at $959 Singaporean Dollars, which is aloof shy of $710 for American readers, it may be out of ability for accustomed consumers. If you’re a cryptocurrency HODLer, accept a bit of money to spend, and appetite to angle out a bit in a army of artificial Trezor Model Ts, this accessory would be absolute for you.

Or, if you accept a tad added to spend, the Corazon Titanium’s earlier brother, the Corazon Gold, has your name accounting all over it. That runs for over US$1,500 though.

My all-embracing account for the Corazon Titanium: 8.0/10

Disclaimer: GRAY®’s arch executive, Kevin Wu, accomplished out to me via Twitter & LinkedIn, allurement if he could accelerate me the accessory for a abeyant review. I agreed. No banking affairs were made, but I did accept the accessory at no cost. Regardless This analysis is absolutely objective, fabricated from the angle of a (relatively) baby crypto asset holder that cares about aegis and privacy. Readers and investors should consistently do their due activity afore purchasing any accessory or cryptocurrency mentioned in this article.