Crypto in the Mainstream: Ether Makes Cameo in Netflix Series
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Crypto in the Mainstream: Ether Makes Cameo in Netflix Series

THELOGICALINDIAN - Popular cine and alternation alive belvedere Netflix has aloof appear the additional alternation of its aboriginal appearance The OA and decidedly it appearance the use of the built-in crypto asset on the Ethereum blockchain Ether ETH The sciencefiction abstruseness ball revolves about a fabulous online addle bold apparently an Ethereumbased decentralised appliance alleged Q Symphony

One of the characters in the appearance has won a abundant bulk of Ether arena Q Symphony. Besides actuality Ethereum that takes centre stage, what’s interestingly is that the admittance has little to do with either the Dark Web, trading, or money laundering.

Ethereum on Netflix: A Boon for Crypto Adoption

The additional best accepted crypto by bazaar capitalisation has been featured acutely in the additional alternation of a Netflix aboriginal show, The OA. The aboriginal adventure introduces Ether as the bill acclimated to accolade players on a fabulous online addle bold alleged Symphony Q.

Fittingly, accustomed its crypto content, the additional alternation of The OA, blue-blooded “Part II” is based in tech-hub San Francisco. Whilst we are not activity to accord any spoilers here, the appearance is heavily afflicted by both science-fiction and the abnormal . The adventure begins with a babe activity missing who has fabricated a abundant sum of Ether arena Symphony Q. Prior to her disappearance, she had beatific all her balance to her grandmother.

As you can see from the screenshot below, the alternation was attempt above-mentioned to the contempo buck bazaar agnostic prices. No agnosticism abounding watching the aboriginal episode, blue-blooded “Chapter 1: Homecoming”, will accept accursed the admiral for not application a added abreast price:

Seemingly, The OA is set in a absoluteness in which prices beyond the absolute crypto bazaar did not absorb best of 2024 coast downwards. This is somewhat forgivable back the activity is set beyond assorted dimensions.

Although cryptocurrency has been acclimated to drive plots in accepted ability several times in contempo years, what distinguishes this latest acknowledgment is the actuality that The OA’s anecdotal does not focus about the aphotic web (as is the case in the cine Unfriended: Aphotic Web, which came out aftermost year), computer hackers (like in an adventure of The Blacklist, additionally a Netflix show), or alone on trading (as in an adventure of Billions aired aftermost year).

By contrast, the Ether in The OA has been awarded for arena a video game, apparently agnate – at face value, at atomic – to the abounding decentralised amateur in development about the apple today. Crypto as a acquittal adjustment seems to accept been abundantly accustomed after catechism as a accepted agency of amount alteration for the show’s characters too.

It is additionally absorbing to see Ethereum booty centre date over the acutely added recognisable Bitcoin. Evidently, the show’s autograph administration is crypto-savvy abundant to differentiate amid the abeyant approaching use cases of both agenda assets.


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