Dash Price Technical Analysis – DASH/USD Outpaces BTC/USD
cryptocurrency news

Dash Price Technical Analysis – DASH/USD Outpaces BTC/USD

THELOGICALINDIAN - Dash amount DigitalCash is rocketing college adjoin the US Dollar and Bitcoin and now DASHUSD is able-bodied aloft a key attrition levels like 200

Dash Price Monstrous Ride

There was a aciculate affairs absorption for Dash, which took its amount aloft a aloft attrition of $200 adjoin the US Dollar. Dash additionally performed a lot bigger than Bitcoin and acquired added than 10% against BTC. It seems like Dash outpaced the bearish affect back there was a abutting aloft $200 in DASH/USD. In the aftermost analysis, I mentioned that affairs with a breach aloft $185 ability be considered. It did comedy actual well, as a breach aloft $185 took the amount aloft $200.

The amount is trading with a lot of bullish backbone at the moment and afresh traded as aerial as $221. There are two bullish trend curve formed with supports as $210 and $190 on the alternate blueprint of DASH/USD. The aboriginal trend band additionally coincides with the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost beachcomber from the $177 low to $221 high. There is hardly any assurance of a above alteration at present, which agency the amount could calmly breach $221.

Dash Price Technical Analysis

The next stop is about the $228-230 levels. Any added assets ability alike alarm for a run appear the $250 akin in the abreast term.

Hourly MACD – The MACD for DASH/USD is able-bodied in the bullish zone.

Hourly RSI – The RSI for DASH/USD has accomplished overbought levels.

Intraday Support Level – $210

Intraday Resistance Level – $230


Charts from Poloniex; hosted by Trading View