Ethereum Price Technical Analysis 03/23/2024 – Can Support Hold?
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Ethereum Price Technical Analysis 03/23/2024 – Can Support Hold?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount is currently trading abreast an important abutment breadth A breach beneath may alarm for added losses abroad it ability move aback higher

Ethereum Price – Importance of 100 SMA

Ethereum amount managed to move a few added credibility higher intraday, and traded as aerial as $12.19. However, ETH bootless to sustain momentum, and started to move down. During the downside move, the ETHUSD brace additionally bankrupt a above abutment breadth in the anatomy of a bullish trend band formed on the alternate blueprint (data augment via Kraken). This is a concise bearish assurance for the bulls, but there is addition aspect.

The amount is currently captivation the 100 simple affective average (hourly, abstracts augment via Kraken), and we accept apparent time and afresh that the declared MA plays a above role. As continued as it holds, there is a adventitious of ETHUSD affective aback college in the abreast term. Ethereum amount is additionally about the 23.6% Fib retracement akin of the aftermost leg from the $8.00 low to $12.19 high, which is additionally a abutment area.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis

A breach beneath the 100 SMA could burn added losses in ETH adjoin the US Dollar. So, if you are planning to barter ETHUSD, again accumulate a abutting eye on the 100 alternate SMA.

Hourly MACD – The MACD may change the abruptness to the bullish area, which is a absolute sign.

Hourly RSI – The RSI is beneath the 50 level, which agency the beasts are disturbing to accretion control.

Intraday Support Level – $10.70

Intraday Resistance Level – $11.80


Charts address of Kraken via Trading View