Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Can ETH/USD Break This?
cryptocurrency news

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Can ETH/USD Break This?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount is beneath a bearish burden already afresh against the US Dollar and it looks like the ETHUSD brace may breach the 950 support

Ethereum Price Support

We all apperceive that the Ethereum arrangement 4th Adamantine Angle was successful. However, it did not help ETH amount much, as there was no above upside move adjoin the US Dollar and Bitcoin. In fact, the amount confused bottomward afterwards the adamantine angle was completed. The amount is currently beneath a bearish pressure, and trading abreast a above abutment breadth at $9.50, which holds the key in the abbreviate term.

The declared akin is important because a bullish trend band formed on the alternate blueprint (data augment via SimpleFX) of ETH/USD is positioned abreast it. Also, the 100 alternate simple affective average is about the aforementioned trend band support. Lastly, the 76.4% Fib retracement akin of the beachcomber from the $9.36 low to $10.08 low is additionally about the aforementioned zone. So, we can say that the $9.50 abutment is a acute choice for the ETH/USD pair.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis

It won’t be accessible for the brace to breach it. However, if there is a breach beneath it, again it may accessible the doors for added losses in the abbreviate term. So, if you are a seller, watch out for the accent trend band and abutment area.

Hourly MACD – The MACD is now aback in the bearish slope, but with beneath momentum.

Hourly RSI – The RSI has confused beneath the 50 level, which is not a acceptable sign.

Major Support Level – $9.50

Major Resistance Level – $9.80


Charts address – SimpleFX