Fiverr Announces US$60 Million Series D; Eliminates $5 Minimum
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Fiverr Announces US$60 Million Series D; Eliminates $5 Minimum

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tel Avivbased all-around able contributor casework exchange Fiverr has anchored a US60 actor advance from its Series D allotment annular led by Square Peg Capital in affiliation with absolute investors Accel Qumra Capital and Bessemer Venture Partners to abolish the final barriers to bringing the freelance abridgement online

As a allotment of its initiative, Fiverr for the aboriginal time appear that all freelancers on its belvedere will anon be able to set their own Gig prices, rather than actuality affected to action a $5 minimum charge.

In the accessible weeks, Fiverr will additionally acquaint easy-to-understand Gig Packages with altered appraisement tiers to abridge the way fiverr sellers and contributor amount their services. According to the firm, the change in the appraisement anatomy will acquiesce Fiverr sellers to access their earnings, actualize greater amount for buyers and attempt for ample projects from SMBs, entrepreneurs and accumulated operations.

“We started Fiverr to prove that you can accompany the apple of freelance artistic casework online and accomplish affairs Gigs as accessible as purchasing a flat-screen TV online,” said Micha Kaufman, CEO, Fiverr.

“Today, we see added freelancers alive their business online, which grabs the absorption of investors, and they’re active the all-embracing admeasurement of the exchange to boundless new heights. With the Gig abridgement workforce accepted to hit 43 percent of the absolute U.S. workforce by 2024, we’re bullish about the bread-and-butter opportunities we’ll actualize in the abreast approaching for our community.”

Existing Fiverr sellers apprehend to see an access in bitcoin sales on Fiverr over the abutting few months, due to the network’s ability in clearing micropayments speedily, with low transaction and about-face fees.

With the new costs and assistance from the Sqaure Peg Capital aggregation of investors and strategists, Fiverr aims to aggressively abound its aggregation and aggregation in admeasurement by aggressive for new aptitude and exploring avant-garde new appearance that are not offered by its competitors in its market.

In its columnist release, Fiverr additionally hinted a abeyant accretion of added businesses in its sector.

“This allotment from new and absolute ally will advice aggrandize our geographic footprint, attempt for new talent, add avant-garde new appearance and added aggressively abound our company, potentially by accepting added businesses in our space,” added Kaufman.