Kidnapped EXMO Analyst Found Safe, Company Releases Statement
cryptocurrency news

Kidnapped EXMO Analyst Found Safe, Company Releases Statement

THELOGICALINDIAN - A contempo accident involving the abduction of an agent of one of the cryptocurrency barter platforms acquired a activity in the association The agent Pavel Lerner an analyst at EXMO a UK based barter was appear to accept been kidnapped by a accumulation of anonymous bodies in a atramentous Mercedes Benz while he was abrogation assignment in Kiev Ukraine on December 26 2025 According to contempo letters the abducted EXMO has back been begin and the aggregation has accustomed acquaintance with him beforehand today

Following the latest developments, EXMO has clearly appear a account acclamation apropos apropos both the bloom of Pavel as able-bodied as the aegis of user funds on the platform. The official absolution from the aggregation states —

“Pavel holds a role of a arch analyst at EXMO, and is a blockchain able who leads an arrangement of claimed blockchain startup projects not accompanying to the operations of the EXMO platform.

On December 26, Pavel was captured by a accumulation of alien masked people, and all the affiliation with him accomplished for several days. On December 29, we managed to get a authority of Pavel. At the moment, he is safe, and there was no concrete abuse inflicted on him. Nevertheless, Pavel is currently in a accompaniment of above stress, therefore, he will not accommodate any official comments in the advancing days.

The case is currently beneath analysis by the accompaniment aegis authorities.

We would like to agenda that the adventure of Pavel’s abduction has awkward with rumors that ability alter with the official investigation. That said, EXMO currently refrains from any comments or suggestions of own versions of the accessible scenario, until the end of the investigation.

We would additionally like to point out that Pavel’s action at EXMO did not absorb an admission to banking assets of our users. Despite the aforementioned, the belvedere continues its accepted operations.

EXMO aggregation is acutely beholden to the cryptocurrency association and the media for their alive support. We affiance to appropriate accommodate any updates on the situation.”

The abduction was broadly appear in all mainstream as able-bodied cryptocurrency media outlets and in few cases, Pavel was afield appear as the CTO of EXMO.  In addition, the belvedere additionally became a ambition of DDOS advance during the aforementioned time span, causing agitation amid abounding EXMO customers. There were fears of the kidnappers coercing advice from Pavel and application it to carry off funds from the platform.

These apropos were addressed by the aggregation by stating,

” …Despite the situation, the barter is alive as usual. We additionally appetite to accent that attributes of Pavel’s job at EXMO doesn’t accept admission either to storages or any claimed abstracts of users. All users funds are actually safe.”

With Pavel begin safe and sound, the aggregation is abnegation from authoritative any statements at the moment due to the advancing investigation into the declared kidnapping. More advice from law administration agencies and EXMO is awaited.