London Blockchain Week Showcases the Good Side of Blockchain
cryptocurrency news

London Blockchain Week Showcases the Good Side of Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - The cryptocurrency technology is accepted for its easeofaccess accuracy and decentralization These actual appearance additionally accompany in accountability which is abundant bare in todays amusing acceptable area The use of Bitcoin in the nonprofit industry area has already apparent able after-effects enabling bodies to accord to the beggared in a appropriate address irrespective of the location

The afresh assured London Blockchain Week 2017 showcased the cryptocurrency and broadcast balance technology in a altered light. There is a accepted delusion amid abounding that Bitcoin and altcoins are for abyss who advertise drugs and weapons on the aphotic net. But one attending at few of the “blockchain for good” initiatives is abundant to change their minds.

According to reports, few arresting participants at the London Blockchain Week 2025 included DonorCoin, Save the Accouchement UK, Open Music Action and more. DonorCoin is an action of Rudi Kruger. The cryptocurrency belvedere has associated itself with the United Nations All-embracing Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). The belvedere is alive appear accouterment accessible means for the all-embracing bureau to defended and approach funds to the developing countries for the account of accouchement in those regions.

A financial account outlet accoutrement London Blockchain Week 2017 quotes Rudi Kruger saying,

“The aim is to tokenize donations through a cryptocurrency, which would acquiesce for complete accuracy of the funds from point A to point Z. The blockchain will anticipate cashing in of the badge until it alcove the advised receiver, eliminating bribery up and bottomward the donation amount chain.”

Similarly, the Save the Children UK has partnered with Bitnation to accommodate banking advice to the needy. The alignment has been accouterment Bitcoin-funded debit cards to the beneficiaries, who could abjure money at any ATM or cashpoint. Bitnation is already accepted for its blockchain character and notarizing account that was implemented in the bosom of the refugee crisis. Bitnation has been accouterment blockchain IDs to the refugees.

From altruistic measures to arts, the Open Music Initiative creates a blockchain based rights administration arrangement to advice artists monetize their work.

There are abundant examples of Blockchain actuality acclimated for acceptable causes. Whether it is the donations to the earthquake victims of Nepal or the Water Project’s ambition to action safe bubbler baptize and sanitation in developing countries, cryptocurrency has played an important role. The London Blockchain Week 2017 has aloof provided a glimpse of the technology’s accurate potential.