Wallstreetbets Calls Out Cryptocurrency Scam Using Its Likeness
cryptocurrency news

Wallstreetbets Calls Out Cryptocurrency Scam Using Its Likeness

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Wallstreetbets aggregate has denied their captivation with the Wallstreetbets cryptocurrency A Reddit column by uOPINIONISUNPOPULAR claims an exmod is abaft the betray which he describes as a crypto pyramid scheme

In February, at the acme of the Wallstreetbets mania, it emerged that the mods had split over a abeyant cine deal. A ability attempt ensued, arch to the accumulation that against the accord actuality booted. Following a column requesting the acknowledgment of the ousted accumulation that had over 9,000 upvotes, Reddit stepped in to abolish the moderators and restore normality. But with so abundant complication to the story, who can be trusted?

Wallstreetbets Deny Creating a Cryptocurrency

Commenting on the Wallstreetbets cryptocurrency, u/OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR distanced his accumulation from the project, adage it has annihilation to do with the absolute Wallstreetbets crowd.

He said it’s addition attack by the group’s ashamed architect to banknote in on the movement’s popularity. Adding, added attempts accommodate phishing users, a paid mentoring group, advertising, axis options trading into an esport, as able-bodied as the cine accord mentioned previously.

“We are acerb anti-monetization. This betray has annihilation to do with us.”

Wallstreetbets attempt to ballyhoo afterward its access on the banal amount of GameStop and AMC Cinema, and after Dogecoin. Several Wall Street barrier funds were dealt a blood-soaked adenoids from shorting these stocks.

The movement became a attribute of people’s ability over ample faceless corporations that seek to accumulation from misery. Political philosopher Slavoj Žižek accent the irony of the after-effects in which Wall Street alleged for accompaniment intervention.

“We are in a bearings in which Wall Street, the archetypal of base belief and inside-trading, consistently by analogue afraid accompaniment action and regulation, now opposes arbitrary antagonism and calls for accompaniment intervention.”

What’s Does it Offer?

The Wallstreetbets cryptocurrency activity describes itself as a community-owned and operated decentralized appliance adaptation of r/wallstreetbets.

“WSB DAO was created to aboveboard animate the chargeless breeze of accessible advice and assessment into actionable results. So that anyone, everywhere can YOLO calm as one.”

Although it describes itself as a amusing media babble dapp, abashing comes back the whitepaper reveals a trading platform. It appears to action tokenized portfolios absolute GameStop (GME), AMC Entertainment (AMC), Nokia (NOK), Blackberry (BB), iShares Silver Trust (SLV), Tesla (TSLA), Apple (AAPL), and Virgin Galactic (SPCE) stocks.

$WSB badge holders vote to adjudge on the rebalancing and acknowledgment of anniversary of these instruments aural “Exchange Traded Portfolios.”

Users are asked to log in with MetaMask, baddest an “Exchange Traded Portfolio,” of which there are three, DeFi, Stonks 1, and Stonks 2. Then accelerate USDC to the accordant acute contract, and accept ETP tokens back. These represent a allotment of the basal ETP assets.

The WSB dapp completed its Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on the Binance Smart Chain launchpad on April 20.