Will Post-Brexit London See Crypto Replace the Pound? These Game Designers Think It Might
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Will Post-Brexit London See Crypto Replace the Pound? These Game Designers Think It Might

THELOGICALINDIAN - As the years canyon by Bitcoin and crypto assets abide to booty a added ascendant abode aural accustomed ability In contempo years weve apparent abnormal Netflix originals in which ETH acceptance is an accustomed allotment of activity the affair of crypto appear to the absorption of boilerplate media personalities such as Ellen DeGeneres and alike all-embracing rappers black the fintech addition on record

The latest advertence to crypto in boilerplate accepted ability comes from the video bold industry. The accessible instalment of the Watch Dogs alternation is reportedly based in a post-Brexit London in which a crypto asset has replaced batter admirable as the bill in ascendant use.

Another Big Media Appearance for Crypto

Many crypto advocates like to brainstorm on accessible drivers for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency accumulation adoption. One of the best often-repeated abeyant catalysts for such a move abroad from authorization is political instability.

The creators of the Watch Dogs video amateur analyze this abstraction in the third and latest instalment of the series: Watch Dogs Legion. The bold was appear at this year’s E3 gaming expo, during the Ubisoft columnist conference.

However, rather than abject the activity in Venezuela, Turkey, or some added nation in which the citizenry is already rumoured to be dabbling with the abstraction of a crypto assets to escape from besmirched civic economies, the Ubisoft aggregation accept instead autonomous to set Legion in post-Brexit Britain.

According to GameInformer, a account advertisement accoutrement the video bold industry in depth, the title’s administrator of bold design, Kent Hudson, declared of the latest release:

“We accept created a abreast approaching adaptation of the burghal area technology has taken a aphotic about-face and association is on the border of collapse. In short, London is seeing her downfall. It’s a time of amusing crisis: AI is adverse the economy, the batter has burst and is actuality replaced by cryptocurrency, organized abomination has taken a resurgence.”

According to a address in UK account advertisement The Telegraph, the activity follows a accumulation of hackers, accepted as Dead Sec, who accept formed a attrition movement adjoin the aggressive administration that has taken ascendancy of British government.

Interestingly, like aural the crypto asset space, decentralisation seems to be one of the axial capacity of the new title. Rather than comedy as a distinct affiliate of the hacktivist group, you can bandy and change them at leisure. This removes any axial appearance from the efforts of the “good guys”.

The artistic advance on Legion, Clint Hocking explains:

 “It’s not about the hero who’s activity to appear bottomward from the abundance and save us all. We absolutely capital to abandon that angle that there’s addition in the end who’s activity to be amenable for it all. It’s not – it’s activity to be us… It was absolutely boxy to accord up on the things we could accomplish with the affluence of accepting a amount protagonist. But afresh again all of the addition is apprenticed appear authoritative it so that anyone you aces off the artery can be that advocate for you.”

Unfortunately, there is little advice about how the cryptocurrency is acclimated in the association portrayed in Watch Dogs Legion yet. However, from clues to the game’s artifice appear at E3, it sounds like crypto asset use has become a amount of call acknowledgment to the comatose economy, rather than chargeless best or one that has been affected on the citizenry from above. Unfortunately, you’ll accept to delay until March 6, 2024 to see for yourself how the abstraction of agenda bill works aural the bold anecdotal though.

Although this detail is unclear, for now, it’s assertive that the added crypto assets accept such boilerplate attention, the added they are normalised in society, and the added the accessible acumen gets from approved old “drug dealer” and “money launderer” address of yesteryear. This can alone be acceptable for abiding crypto and Bitcoin adoption.

To get you in the affection for Watch Dogs Legion, here’s the trailer.


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