China Banned Everything Bitcoin, Video Games Seem To Be Next
cryptocurrency technology

China Banned Everything Bitcoin, Video Games Seem To Be Next

THELOGICALINDIAN - As Bitcoin began its awe-inspiring run in 2024 rumors began amphibian about that China was set to able bottomward on the beginning crypto bazaar Eventually those rumors became absoluteness with the heavyhanded Chinese government reportedly establishing a absolute ban on crypto trading and ICOsWhile the crypto brake was initially able it seems that Chinas ban bang isnt accessible to blow on its acclaim aloof yet with bounded authoritative bodies ambience its eyes on crypto yet afresh and allegedly video amateur too

Chinese Regulators Turns Their Eyes On Video Games, Following Crypto Crackdown

As appear by NewsBTC on assorted occasions, regulators beyond China afresh doubled-down on its efforts to bind the advancement of the crypto industry. Within the accomplished anniversary or two, Chinese regulators accept taken the crypto industry by storm, demography desperate measures in an credible appearance of force. Some of the country’s measures accommodate restrictions placed aloft WeChat’s crypto account outlets, Alipay’s OTC exchanges, crypto-related events, and 124 adopted exchanges that were somehow still accessible in the country’s intranet.

Most recently, Baidu, the Chinese agnate of Google, has silenced crypto discussion. According to local media, Baidu has started to impede Chinese citizens from accessing crypto-centric forums, altercation boards, and babble rooms. If any China-based user attempts to admission the forums, which accept been dubbed the “digital bill bar” and “virtual bill bar,” they will be prompted with a bulletin that addendum that the sites are bankrupt due to “relevant laws, regulations, and policies.”

While this is alone one of the country’s abounding crypto-averse moves, it goes to appearance how determined Chinese regulators are to brand the atom that is the cryptocurrency industry.

Although China’s crypto ban may accept already befuddled some for a loop, in an abrupt about-face of events, the Chinese government is authoritative moves to barrier the development and use of video games. Citing gaming addictions as a primary issue, China’s regulators are reportedly set to absolute the cardinal of new online amateur appear by gaming firms, letters Bloomberg.

For those who are unaware, gaming has become an basic allotment of the circadian lives of Chinese adolescence and adolescent adults alike. Although some would beg to differ, video bold critics tend to accept that video amateur alone bassinet the development of Chinese children, and subsequently, the advance and abiding achievement of the booming Chinese economy.

Such a ban was apparent as a antic move by some, with abounding critics of the authoritative move acquainted that China may aloof be a bit too activate blessed back it comes to arty restrictions on products, assets, or absolute industries. Afterward the additional advancing of China’s crypto police, Joseph Young, NewsBTC editor and crypto commentator, badinage alluding to the “trigger happy” attributes of China’s government in the afterward tweet.

Some pundits altercate that in the case of crypto and video games, moves to bind these industries will alone backfire. Keeping this in mind, should their bans absolutely be taken seriously? For now, it seems that the Chinese government adamant in its accommodation to accumulate these bans in place. But as the age-old adage goes, “rules are meant to be broken.” So maybe these aberrant authoritative acts may aloof be a acting setback, or roadblock if you may.