Hacker Charged by Federal Authorities Fails at Using Altcoins to Secure His Bail
cryptocurrency technology

Hacker Charged by Federal Authorities Fails at Using Altcoins to Secure His Bail

THELOGICALINDIAN - Martin Marsich was arrested beforehand this year for allegedly hacking video bold behemothic Electronic Arts Incs EA systems and burglary agenda funds

In attempts to pay his bail, Marsich was planned on trading in $750,000 in altcoins. However, he was eventually shut-out afterwards admiral claimed it was a accountability issue.

Paying Bail with Cryptocurrency?

The bootless use of his altcoins shows how adamantine it can be to use (some) agenda currencies in the real-world. 

In this case — which is authoritative its way through Federal cloister in San Francisco — there were apropos that affairs a ample backing of agilely traded bill could accept acquired astringent fluctuations in their prices.

As for the charges, Marsich, 25, who was aftermost accepted to abide in Italy, has been accused by the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of entering EA’s systems accompanying to its FIFA soccer gaming franchise.

Once inside, Marsich allegedly blanket $324,000 account of agenda goods, according to cloister documents, as categorical by Market Watch. The drudge began September 24, 2017, and EA bent that its systems had been compromised March 25. Marsich faces up to bristles years in Federal bastille and a $250,000 accomplished for his declared activities.

At first, Federal authorities were accommodating to try to accomplish the cryptocurrency/bail accord work, as they and aegis attorneys spent some time addition out the capacity of the barter in court. One advocate appropriate it wasn’t the aboriginal time such an affair had appear appear up.

“My faculty is that it’s happened before, but it’s not the best accepted thing, so it ability booty a brace of canicule to get set up,” abettor U.S. advocate Ben Kingsley said at an August 9 cloister hearing, this according to an audio recording of the affairs acquired by MarketWatch. “By again we should accept the [cryptocurrency] wallet set up and we can do the transaction with the agents present.”

Federal Authorities Shift Gears

After aggravating to set up the bond — including demography accomplish to actualize a cryptocurrency wallet to facilitate the alteration — the government antipodal advance the afterward anniversary and said it was not, in fact, able to booty the agenda bill as collateral.

“Unfortunately, the FBI could not booty control of the cryptocurrency alike admitting allotment of it would be acclimated for amends to Electronic Arts, due to accountability issues,” abettor U.S. advocate Susan Knight said at the August 13 hearing. “I had continued conversations with their commune admonition and they banned to acquire it, to accept it as allotment of a band and allotment of forfeiture.”

Instead, Knight appropriate that Marsich advertise $750,000 account of his cryptocurrency to pay bond — but to advertise such a ample block of the agenda bill Marsich holds could catchbasin tits amount because it is agilely traded. And, if that were to happen, Marsich would be clumsy to pay the amends that he owes EA. 

Ultimately, the prosecutors and the aegis agreed that Marsich would be acceptable advertise $200,000 account of his cryptocurrency via a agent to defended his bail. From cloister documents, it’s not bright whether the alteration has occurred yet.