Here's Why Bitfinex is Not Like MtGox
daniel kelman

Here's Why Bitfinex is Not Like MtGox

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hong Kongs abridgement of defalcation aegis for companies makes a fate agnate to MtGox added acceptable Creditors not Bitfinex are the ones who get to adjudge whether to associate losses

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Socialized Losses? Not So Fast

bitfinexBitfinex, a bitcoin barter based in Hong Kong, was hacked aftermost week and suffered a accident of almost $70M USD. The aggregation appears bankrupt afterwards announcement a accident of almost 36-37 percent of its assets. Bitfinex has back stated that they intend to “socialize” these losses, acceptation they apprehend creditors (anyone with any anatomy of BTC funds at the exchange) to allotment in the losses equally.

However, beneath Hong Kong law, Bitfinex will not be able to force creditors to acquire its proposal. Unlike in the US and Japan, Hong Kong does not accept a arrangement of defalcation aegis to facilitate a Bitfinex reorganization. By arguing that Bitfinex is insolvent, creditor lawsuits could force Bitfinex into defalcation area creditors can booty control. 

How Will Bitfinex Differ from MtGox?

MtGox had added opportunities at restructuring than Bitfinex will.  This is because Japan adopted a US-style arrangement of defalcation protection, accouterment companies the agnate to filing for “Chapter 11”. A Chapter 11-style defalcation filing allowances companies in three basal ways:

Similar protections gave MtGox allowance to breathe back banking burden became too abundant in 2024.  With creditors captivated at bay, MtGox’s administration had some time to seek financing, codify a plan to accord creditors and appear from defalcation profitable.  In March and April 2024 abundant parties approached MtGox and its court-appointed trustee with rehabilitation plans.  But admitting acute arguments benign rehabilitation MtGox autonomous to cash the aggregation instead.

Hong Kong, however, does not accept a Chapter 11-style system, and as a result, Bitfinex is about at the benevolence of creditors.  Creditors owed at atomic $10,000 HKD can address the cloister to cleanup (liquidate) Bitfinex if their debt charcoal contributed for three weeks afterward accounting approved demand.  Unlike at MtGox, Bitfinex’s creditors do not accept to patiently delay in the aphotic while the CEO hears rehabilitation proposals for months. 

What If Creditors Petition to Liquidate Bitfinex?

water burst with bubbles abandoned on white

Once in liquidation, lawsuits adjoin Bitfinex would be stayed, administration removed, and a trustee appointed to bottle assets. Creditors would again accept some time to adapt and accede another proposals afore chief whether the cloister should handle the job.     

A adversary barter ability emerge, offering administer assets to creditors, as Kraken did with MtGox. It is accessible for creditors to accept of such a plan and accept the cloister appointed apache removed, dispatch up the distribution. 

Bitfinex has one capital acknowledged apparatus to use adjoin creditors gluttonous to cash it: address the cloister for a “scheme of arrangement”, which is about a court-enforced acceding amid the Bitfinex and the creditors.  But 75% of creditors charge accede on the arrangement and the cloister charge accept it. 

Due to the associated acknowledged costs and complication involved, abate companies generally aloof appear to breezy conditioning agreements with creditors. Bitfinex’s creditors are assorted and are broadcast beyond the globe. Unless Bitfinex can adapt abutment for its socialized losses plan beyond a assorted set of creditors, agnostic creditors may be able to adjudge its fate.    

Will Bitcoin’s Unique Attributes Affect the Plan?     

The aqueous attributes of Bitcoin is a factor. Despite the socialized losses plan, there is a accident that Bitfinex could accord advancing creditors in abounding to stop their defalcation petitions and buy time to abide operations. 

bitcoin-1368256_1920In theory, payments by an bankrupt Bitfinex to these creditors would be clawed aback by cloister adjustment already a creditor’s address to cleanup the aggregation is accepted.  But in practice, clawing aback payments appears adamantine to accomplish here.  Most of the creditors are not amid in Hong Kong, do not accept assets there and apperceive how to use Bitcoin to move their funds quickly. Aggressive creditors with basal ties to Hong Kong ability abuse defalcation to bold the arrangement and get a greater repayment. 

Unless Bitfinex can accord assurances they are ambidextrous with all creditors at arm’s length, this agency ability eventually argue creditors and the cloister that it is best to accept a court-appointed apache booty aegis of the assets.

What Else Can Bitfinex Offer to Save Itself?


When account of the calibration of MtGox’s defalcation aboriginal accomplished the Internet, things seemed hopeless. My abstraction was for MtGox to accomplish a debt-equity bandy with creditors: accept creditors barter their affirmation for shares in a anew capitalized MtGox beneath new management.  This was the fastest way to advance the aggregation to solvency and actualize a accurate allurement for creditors to appetite MtGox’s survival. The abstraction was able-bodied accustomed and could at some point be advised by Bitfinex.

Bitfinex was a acknowledged barter with beneath problems than MtGox. We can’t yet be sure, but the accident may accept been caused by mistakes implementing BitGo’s multi-signature wallet arrangement and not due to accustomed barter operations. If this is the case, again Bitfinex does not arise to accept suffered from systemic issues like MtGox, and conceivably abiding to the antecedent cold-wallet arrangement would restore customer confidence. 

If burden from creditors builds over the advancing weeks, alms some ample creditors an advantage to barter their affirmation for shares in the barter could be one way to antithesis Bitfinex’s books and assemblage creditors abaft the company.

Do you anticipate Bitfinex has a future? Do you accede with its socialized losses plan? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Bitfinex,