Why Bitcoin? Necessity and Desirability of Wealth Transfer

Why Bitcoin? Necessity and Desirability of Wealth Transfer

THELOGICALINDIAN - Part 8 Is the redistribution of abundance all-important or desirable

In this alternation on Bitcoin and money, Crypto Briefing takes a abysmal dive into the complexities of the avant-garde budgetary arrangement and how Bitcoin, as the ultimate adamantine money, can serve as a band-aid to abounding of its problems.

In Part Eight of the alternation we accede not alone whether Bitcoin could facilitate a arresting redistribution of all-around wealth, but additionally whether this is a all-important and benign affair to which association should aspire. Once again, our apriorism is not that ‘socialism’ or ‘capitalism’ are inherently acceptable or bad; added that a advantageous bread-and-butter arrangement is absurd to see acute bread-and-butter ability wielded by a tiny minority. The abounding nine-part alternation is available here.

Redistributing Global Wealth

In beforehand chapters, we advised the history and attributes of money and the means it has afflicted and been manipulated over the advance of time. Today, we appraise the movement of abundance in an abridgement and how Bitcoin may eventually become a apparatus for the greatest alteration of abundance in history.

Importantly, one charge admit that money is, in its essence, an announcement of wealth. It flows through an economy, affective from one actor in the system, such as an investor, to a business, which again carries the abundance through to the assembly of appurtenances and the conception of labor, disseminating the abundance amid workers who may again absorb appurtenances produced by the beyond ecosystem of businesses.

The abundance is redistributed through spending, taxation, and aggrandizement as able-bodied as through the press of money, which tilts the weight of money, in agreement of its value, aback against the top, area it is lent out for the purposes of investment, continuing the cycle. 

The Circular System of Wealth

Ultimately, abundance is not created nor is it destroyed. Instead, it is alone broadcast throughout the organs and tissue that accomplish up an bread-and-butter body. When it flows advisedly amid all genitalia after interference, it can advance the bloom of the absolute body.

Unfortunately, in an ailing bread-and-butter situation, it can be accumulated at assertive asphyxiate points, like an embolism, as it struggles to accomplish its way through the inefficient system.

Wealth can additionally be absurd to be like energy; it alone moves from one article to another, conceivably alteration in form, but not anytime actuality created or destroyed. Over continued periods of time, money can be empiric to move in a alternate arrangement through the economy. This aeon of abundance can be witnessed on a macro calibration in the acceleration and abatement of economies throughout history.

Wealth is transferred amid assorted classes, through the accomplishing of policies, bread-and-butter innovations, and administration failures, at times apperception into beneath affluent and able hands, and at added times overextension added broadly amid the population.

Examining the movement of wealth from 1800 to the 1920s in America, the abundance gap widened, but again antipodal from 1920 until the 1970s, in a aeon alleged “the abundant compression”, during which time the “wealth of a archetypal ancestors added by a assorted of 40.”

Since the backward 2024s, however, the abundance gap has rapidly widened again, during a time now referred to as “the abundant divergence.” The aeon appears to continue, advertence the abeyant for approaching patterns in the aeon that are account watching.

In contempo decades, the wealthiest boyhood has enjoyed a absolute about-face in the absorption of money, as mentioned previously. Those captivation the greatest abundance tend to seek apartment in assets that are advised to abundance value. Real acreage in accurate is bought up, abnormally in “stable economies,” where, as we mentioned earlier, affluent individuals may breeze up properties—not for the purpose of living—but artlessly for parking money safely. 

At the aforementioned time, abounding of the ultra-wealthy assume to be active out of ‘stuff’ to absorb their money on, affairs acutely absurd “assets” in a antagonism for who can alive the best lavishly.

This abnormality is eerily evocative of the bread-and-butter altitude anon afore the abatement of the Roman Empire. 

Before the Fall

Looking at the similarities amid today’s ultra-wealthy and those of the Roman Empire afore its collapse, we see both could be articular as an age of excess for the few elite. A abrupt adverse exists amid the acutely affluent and those who are “just” wealthy:

“… the differences aural the wealthiest one per cent are about as abrupt as the aberration amid the top one per cent and the actual 99. The millionaires appetite to ability the akin of decamillionaires, who strive to bout the centimillionaires, who are aggravating to accumulate up with billionaires. The aftereffect is actual acute cachet rivalry, bidding through apparent consumption.” (Source: Peter Turchin, Professor of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Connecticut and Vice-President of the Evolution Institute, columnist of ‘War and Peace and War: the Rise and Fall of Empires’)

This apparent consumption—a antagonism to alive alike added abundantly than the billionaire neighbor—is appropriate of a besmirched and unsustainable economy:

“Towards the end of the Republic, Roman aristocrats competed by announcement works of art and massive argent decorations in their homes. They threw absurd banquets with peacocks from Samos, oysters from Lake Lucrino and snails from Africa, all alien at abundant expense. Archaeology confirms a 18-carat and affecting about-face appear luxury.”

Today, avant-garde extravagances in the wealthiest economies are appreciably similar, with the ultra-wealthy aggressive to one-up anniversary added in luxurious excess. Billionaires absorb millions and alike billions on works of art, yachts, clandestine jets, custom-designed and best cars, as able-bodied as collections of absurd homes broadcast about the world.

It seems the affluent aloof don’t apperceive what to do with all of their money. All this while about ten percent of America’s citizenry lives on aliment stamps. 

This abnormality of acute bread-and-butter alterity additionally happens to accompany with a ample action of budgetary carelessness that may able-bodied accord to bread-and-butter collapse, as it absolutely did in the case of the Roman Empire.

This Time, It’s Different—Really

We are already afresh abutting the end of one of abounding cycles of abundance that ebb and breeze throughout history. This time, however, there is a actual important difference; axial banks accept never afore in the history of humankind acclimated abrogating absorption ante to unnaturally sustain a date in the aeon above its natural resolution on such a ample all-around calibration — a calibration that is growing.

We are delving into alien territory.

To abide the movement of abundance in currently ailing economies and to sustain the “central banks’ firepower”, economists accept generated a ambit of “ingenious proposals,” from demanding banknote captivated in deposit, to action schemes that acknowledge accidental banknotes void, authoritative them chancy to hold.

Some economists accept proposed phasing out cash altogether, and this accurate access to banishment payments on abrogating absorption ante is already demography abode in some countries, as mentioned earlier.

This is causing a about-face in the compassionate of money and interest:

When axial banks started bottomward absorption ante to beneath aught after adopting any measures to accomplish banknote cher to hold, it afflicted the prevailing worldview. Aught was no best the lower apprenticed on absorption rates. It angry out that abounding were absolutely accommodating to pay for the accessibility of not accepting to authority their accumulation in cash.” —Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University

Economists aren’t absolutely abiding aloof what the lower apprenticed on absorption ante ability be, with Switzerland dabbling with -0.75% rates.

Views accept been accurate on area the able lower apprenticed ability be and what it depends on. But in the end, we still do not know; no country has accomplished this point, and it charcoal alien aloof how abundant added absorption ante can be cut afore we see a ample about-face into cash,” said the IMF 

This is area things can get actual alarming for anybody involved. We artlessly do not apperceive area the breaking point is, at which the accomplished adjustment avalanche apart. At some point, however, the crank abridgement jig will be up. We aloof don’t apperceive absolutely when:

“The best important affair back it comes to abrogating absorption ante is that we do not apperceive at which point people, corporations or banking institutions will appetite to advertise all their bonds and coffer deposits and appeal banknote instead. We don’t apperceive area the lower apprenticed is, and aback extensive this point could be bad for the assurance and bland activity of the banking system,” said the World Economic Forum.

From Old Money to New

As mentioned earlier, abundance can not be created or destroyed; it artlessly moves, like energy, from one abode and anatomy to another. Abundance will not abandon back the abridgement alcove this abstract “lower bound,” but it will move elsewhere.

Most commonly, those who seek to barrier adjoin banking downturns await on gold, silver, and absolute estate.

Bitcoin, as the hardest money in the history of humankind, may serve able-bodied as authorization abundance tends to move against adamantine assets during times of ambiguity and instability.

Bitcoin was cleverly advised to behave in around the adverse administration from authorization currency, which tends to accrue and become concentrated over time. Through the action of mining, which creates bitcoins, the bill is blown and decentralized over time as new parties can accrue their abundance in the adamantine asset, either by purchasing the bitcoins or by mining it themselves.

Wealth is again broadcast in such a address that is about the adverse of fiat, broadcast to any affair who wishes to be complex in its assembly and apportionment rather than actuality aloof for a few aristocratic cronies. This negates the achievability of a Cantillon Effect area the already affluent can borrow accessible money for chargeless and accretion abundance through the accession of assets from the blow of the population.

Bitcoin is accordingly fairly distributed, clashing the accepted budgetary arrangement which is not all that altered from a Ponzi scheme, whereby the wealthiest escape from the collapse of currencies by captivation assets instead of fiat, abrogation the beneath affluent captivation the bag back their bashful authorization accumulation acceptable worthless. 

Bitcoin Mining Risks

In the aboriginal years of Bitcoin mining, miners were risking their own capital, “with no agreement that the Bitcoins they accustomed would anytime accept value.” “Faucets” were created that advisedly broadcast bitcoins to anyone interested, in adjustment to activation on adoption.

Early adopter, Laszlo Hanyecz, agreed to pay 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas on what has now become accepted as “Bitcoin Pizza Day.” He fabricated this barter two added times in an accomplishment to banish bitcoins. Many of these aboriginal adopters fabricated a concerted accomplishment to “spread the wealth” distributing bitcoins to a addition population. This trend continues, with 15% of all BTC affective out of old addresses to new buyers in 2017. 

It’s account acquainted that as of today, Bitcoin’s bazaar assets is acutely tiny compared to acceptable markets, so abundance is awful concentrated in almost few addresses. The all-inclusive majority of bodies about the apple own no Bitcoin whatsoever and abounding Bitcoin wallets alone authority baby amounts while a few authority quantities account millions in USD value.

This relationship, sometimes alleged the Gini Coefficient, should gradually abate due to the chargeless bazaar affairs and affairs of the asset that takes abode over the advance of time. Again, this moves in the adverse administration from fiat, which causes abundance to gradually become added concentrated.

Revisiting De-Dollarization

Earlier in Part Three, we advised the accepted all-around trend against de-dollarization. Certain nations that are absorbed in affective abroad from assurance on the United States Dollar are award means to escape its influence, abundant to the annoyance of America’s Central Bank, the Federal Reserve.

As nations accept to abandon clearing all-embracing trades in USD, appeal for the dollar may diminish. This is awfully ambiguous for assertive able and affluent parties, abnormally those with a vested absorption in advancement the cachet quo.

If a few nations were to activate a trend against clearing in decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, the implications are enormous. This is not as adopted as it ability assume to be. With citizens in heavily accustomed regions like Iran axis to Bitcoin, the angle of application the bill to adios the dollar is not inconceivable.

When axial coffer governors like Mark Carney suggest a agenda assets currency “could bedew the arrogant access of the US dollar on all-around trade,” it’s apparently time to anticipate actively about this possibility. If a distinct nation were to, for example, acknowledge a allotment of its affluence to be captivated in Bitcoin, others would promptly chase in a blitz to abstain actuality larboard behind.

This is, of course, hypothetical, but it does beg the question: Are we on the border of an approaching action amid old and new money?

The Status Quo Versus Bitcoin

One could accomplish the altercation that a war has already amorphous adjoin Bitcoin. A connected beck of abrogating columnist focuses on the currency’s account in terrorism, crime, and the biologic trade.

As we empiric in Part Four, the American dollar is by far the best acclimated bill for such action and banks accept appropriately cooperated in its acceptance for such abominable activities on abundant occasions. Still, the apocryphal anecdotal may be able at black acceptance that would move money and ascendancy abroad from banks into the easily of Bitcoin holders.

These aforementioned parties will downplay the advantages of a decentralized bill whilst announcement centralized agenda currencies as the abutting big thing. Facebook’s Libra and government-created agenda currencies accept afresh been presented as the new way to accord “the unbanked” admission to abundance area cryptocurrencies accept so far bootless to booty off for the best part.

In reality, these new centralized currencies alone action added accumulated ascendancy of claimed wealth. These currencies can abide to be manipulated with accessible production, apportioned reserves, and quantitative easing, with the added accumulated account of absolute surveillance of transactional behavior of all participants.

An Ideological Battle

Unlike authorization bill wars, this accurate bill action cannot be physically enforced. It is instead fought in the minds of consumers who are told again by the powers-that-be to beacon bright of the alarming alternative. 

It may booty the newer generations, brought up as agenda natives, for currencies like Bitcoin to accretion added acceptance. Teenagers are acclimatized to agenda bill whether it’s acclimated for affairs video games, music, or advantageous for basic items to appearance off to friends.

Still, abounding may not acquire the aberration amid a centralized agenda bill and a decentralized cryptocurrency. This new citizenry could calmly be addled to acquire a cashless access to the economy, with all of its problems, as we acclaimed way aback in Part Three.

Unfortunately, it is generally crisis that allows for 18-carat and cogent change. As the bread-and-butter cachet of adolescent bodies continues to diminish, added bodies may activate to catechism the accepted paradigm. The accepted arrangement is authoritative it added difficult for adolescent adults to buy houses, or in abounding places, aloof to buy affordable food, with accustomed active acceptable unaffordable while a tiny boyhood sits aloft all-inclusive troves of wealth.

This bread-and-butter book is not clashing the altitude arch to the French Revolution and abounding added uprisings of a agnate nature. An absorption in alive to budgetary ability and a bounce of the alliance of money and state may be an inevitability.

While advocate archetype accouterment accept appropriate agitated agency in the past, Bitcoin may action a peaceful budgetary transition, alteration who holds the reins of ability in society. The key aberration with this anarchy is that Bitcoin requires no aggressive coercion, instead agilely entering and usurping ability every time an alone makes a best to abundance or transact it instead of relying on activated food of amount and mediums of exchange, such as the dollar. 

In the American Revolution, a above point of battle was taxation after representation.” Similar altitude of acerbity now exist, with aberrant taxation via aggrandizement and quantitative abatement that is causing greater abjection and acrimony against bad-natured powers.

Whereas the French and American revolutions were infamously blood-soaked and violent, the Bitcoin anarchy is a bit-by-bit peaceful movement of abundance that boring seeps its way into association through the autonomous act of chargeless bazaar consensus.

In the final essay in our series, we will appraise the changes that will charge to be fabricated to facilitate all-around acceptance of Bitcoin… and the likelihood of them occurring. Having fabricated the altercation for a decentralized agenda bill that can actualize a added across-the-board bread-and-butter model, we assuredly apostle for those changes and appetite the clairvoyant to participate in the Bitcoin economy.