NHZ announces: Official Development Plan
edward deleon hickman

NHZ announces: Official Development Plan

THELOGICALINDIAN - We booty a attending at NHZs adventurous plans

nhz logoAbout three weeks ago, I alien one of my admired new players in the asset barter game, NHZ. Technically an NXT clone, I accept been afraid to see what affairs they had to differentiate themselves from the pack. Not accepting the potentially arbitrary administration problems of NXT is all able-bodied and acceptable but we’d like to see some addition too, of course.

That said the awfully able-bodied development plan laid out by advance developer Jon Teets looks like my affectionate of crazy (crazy aggressive actuality my admired acidity of madness). Special acknowledgment to managing administrator Nick Cote for accouterment the info:

1.) UI / User acquaintance & functionality update: A complete re-work of the blueprint and user functionality of the ‘NHZ’ asset-exchange and wallet, with the ambition in apperception to accommodate a able & user affable interface.

What anyone alive in this amplitude will acquaint you is that while best of our aback end tech looks amazing, actual few (if any) accept interfaces that one would call as pleasing. To the applied minded, action affairs added than anatomy but to the all-inclusive majority of users… looks are everything. So I’ll be aflame to see how NHZ dresses up the UI.

2.) Integrated acceptability / assurance systems into the NHZ platform: Provide aegis and assurance amid the asset issuers and the public.

This is huge, huge, huge. A user acceptability methodology, alike article as asinine as a brilliant baronial arrangement (just attending how acceptable it works for Yelp) would do wonders for operating on any exchange. Think of it as a acclaim account anybody can see. In the accomplished we knew who to assurance because our tribes were baby but with citizenry admeasurement what it is, we charge able accoutrement for developing trust.

3.) ‘NHZ.info’ project: Intended to accommodate a ‘NHZ’ FAQ for -to-be clients, and to accommodate a convenient chase advantage and contour arrangement for all listed assets.

An accessible best but an added affection that is not to be underestimated in agreement of all-embracing cardinal value. Make no aberration people, this being is absolutely ambagious to John Q. Public. The alone way they will anytime use it, is if we advice them accept how.

4.) Website / Forum / Faucet / Branding update: Provide a anatomic faucet for administration of ‘NHZ’ and to actualize a able interface for the association and -to-be clients. This is advised to be the aperture for users and businesses into ‘NHZ’.

Because who doesn’t appetite chargeless tokens? Distribution is what makes or break this affectionate of admirable experiment.

5.) Adaptable wallets for Android and iOS based systems: Develop adaptable wallets for ‘NHZ’ users with a focus on accouterment a apple-pie and simple UI and user experience.

With adaptable platforms now the arch approach through which best absorb information, it stands to acumen any austere belvedere would be developing with adaptable in apperception from day one.

6.) ‘Darksend’ project: Optional bearding affairs amid users. More capacity will be fabricated accessible in approaching columnist releases.

Always a association favorite. In Blockchain 2.0 if you are not demography anonymity serious, actual few bodies will booty you actively either.

7.) Agenda appurtenances store: Provide users a decentralized belvedere to buy and advertise agenda and concrete appurtenances and acquire ‘NHZ ‘coins as payment.

Wonderful idea. In the approaching unforgeable agenda appurtenances will be apparent as any added affectionate of collector’s account except these appurtenances will be far added changeable than their absolute apple counterparts. (This is allotment of the acumen the aggregation and I at Pacific Blockchain launched Hawaiis aboriginal bitcoin dispenser in a bread shop).

8.) Encrypted messaging: Enable users to accelerate encrypted letters aural the ‘NHZ’ wallet.

Another fan favorite. If you like your privacy, you like this feature. I’m of the apperception that aloofness is an capital animal appropriate but consistently accumulate in apperception that you don’t accept to encrypt everything. It’s aloof nice to accept the advantage if you are, for example, discussing business account over the arrangement with abeyant partners. Consistently a affair these days, wouldn’t you agree?

9.) Minor functionality bug fixes / aegis patches: Fixes / patches that addressed flaws in NXT functionality and aegis issues.

This will accomplish the added technically adeptness amid you happy. As admirable a belvedere as NXT has accurate to be, it’s not perfect. So any anchorage of it would artlessly accept its flaws as well. If the development aggregation can adamant these out again they will accept taken a footfall (however small) appear convalescent on NXT’s vision.

10.) Major aegis improvements: A able new set of accoutrement for individuals and businesses to defended sales, purchases and contracts.

Security, security, security. This should be everyone’s chat of the day, every day until we assuredly amount this being out. Digital aegis is a acreage still in its adolescence but I am aflame to apprehend what NHZ’s aggregation can do to advance things forward.

11.) ‘NHZ anticipate tank’ project: Bring calm the ‘NHZ’ association into a accumulation area the ‘NHZ’ development aggregation can accept absolute ascribe from the association to strengthen the channels of advice with the absorbed of accouterment the best avant-garde and defended products.

This one sounds unimportant to some but absolutely it’s the one that will buck the best fruit. 2 active are bigger than 1 and an absolute association will baffle a few acute guys in an ivory tower, every accursed time. The Open Source movement has accurate that back we assignment together, we can break acutely insurmountable problems.

The actuality that NHZ’s development plan includes harnessing it’s best admired ability (human capital) in an organized and anxious way, says a lot about the calmness of their intentions.


As consistently I advance the angle that the absolute crypto bazaar could be a affably circuitous scheme. I am altogether accommodating to absorb such a antecedent already I see affirmation to advance it ability be true. However, I accept been watching the bazaar actual carefully and I accept apparent no such affirmation appropriately far.

The admirable agreement is of course, far from over but for now we charge assurance our own adeptness to rationally admeasurement a platforms ability or abridgement thereof. While NHZ still has a continued way to go in its development track, if they administer to appearance abundant candor to complete anniversary date again I will accept aerial hopes and aerial acclaim for them the accomplished way.

Currently trading at beneath 250 Satoshi on Poloniex investing now agency a actual aerial abeyant upside with actual baby risks. We already apperceive the technology works, now we additionally apperceive how NHZ’s aggregation affairs to accomplish it assignment better.