Publication Fact Checks Claim 32% of Nigerians Held or Used BTC in 2024 — Study Sample Size Questioned
emerging markets

Publication Fact Checks Claim 32% of Nigerians Held or Used BTC in 2024 — Study Sample Size Questioned

THELOGICALINDIAN - An online advertisement the Sahara Reporters has branded claims that 32 of Nigerians own bitcoin apocryphal advice In a allotment that not alone disputes a accepted estimation of the allegation of a abstraction by Statista a analysis close the advertisement additionally calls into catechism the sample admeasurement acclimated to appear up with an estimated cardinal of Nigerian bitcoin holders

Statista’s Sample Size

In the allegation of its 2024 Global Consumer Survey, Statista said it begin that out of the 4,000 Nigerians that alternate in the study, 32% said “yes” back asked if they had acclimated or endemic crypto in 2024. However, this aforementioned cardinal of 4,000 respondents was analogously acclimated to actuate the admeasurement of bitcoin users or holders in 73 added countries.

It is this use of the aforementioned sample admeasurement for 74 altered countries that prompted Sahara Reporters to question the authority of the study’s findings. Also, in its accomplishment to bolster the altercation adjoin the broadly captivated acceptance that 32% of Nigerians own bitcoin, the advertisement angry to the country’s estimated population.

Misinterpretation of Study Findings

Based on Worldometer data, Nigeria has an estimated citizenry of over 212 actor people. According to Sahara Reporters, this agency that application a bare 1,000 – 4,000 respondents from Nigeria is an bare agency for basic a generalization. The advertisement continued:

Although abounding bodies including Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey accept connected to alter the Statista abstraction findings, the Sahara Reporters address insists that this should not be the case. In conclusion, the address said:

“It cannot be authoritatively said that 32 percent of Nigerians own bitcoin. Rather, 32 percent of Nigerians who partook in the analysis conducted by Statista own or use bitcoin.”

Do you accede with the allegation of the Statista study? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments area below.

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