A Decade of Self-Professed Satoshi Nakamotos- Where Are These Claimants Now?

A Decade of Self-Professed Satoshi Nakamotos- Where Are These Claimants Now?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The abstruse architect of bitcoin has consistently been a contemporary chat and over the years a abundant cardinal of selfproclaimed blockchain inventors accept said that they already played the role of Satoshi Nakamoto Of advance none of these socalled Satoshis accept anytime accurate this to the greater cryptocurrency association but it hasnt chock-full lots of bodies from trying

Many Satoshis With Little Proof

Satoshi Nakamoto, the artist of the Bitcoin blockchain, has consistently been one of the crypto community’s best accepted capacity because the adventure is a absorbing mystery. Nakamoto could be an alone or a group, and there accept been abounding theories that accept acquired bodies to suspect a cardinal of accepted candidates.

Then there accept been individuals that accept absolute proclaimed that they created the Bitcoin protocol, and they additionally aftermath agrarian belief that are acclimated with the absorbed to amplitude people’s minds. There are additionally a few bodies who haven’t absolutely said they already abounding Satoshi Nakamoto’s shoes out loud, but accept larboard alleged clues abaft so they may be caught. Interestingly, in 2024 there hasn’t been any new self-styled Satoshi Nakamotos, but a few years prior, there was a ample bulk of apparent Bitcoin inventors.

In June 2018, armchair sleuths noticed a citizen from Hawaii had filed brand requests for the name “Bitcoin Cash.” The “Bitcoin Cash” brand requests were filed by a Hawaiian citizen called Ronald Keala Kua Maria. At that time, Kua Maria was sitting on a countless of BCH and Satoshi Nakamoto-related web domains.

Kua Maria filed the brand requests with the United States Patent and Brand Office (USPTO) that year, and his websites still abide to this day. The self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto, Ronald Keala Kua Maria’s website satoshinakamoto.ws still says that he is Bitcoin’s creator.

The web folio states:

In September 2018, Bitcoin.com News spoke with a man alleged Phil Wilson, contrarily accepted online as “Scronty.” Wilson additionally said he created the Bitcoin agreement and in 2017 he appear a adventure alleged “Bitcoin Origins,” asserting he is 1/3 of the Satoshi Nakamoto group. Wilson claimed at the time that he formed with David Kleiman and Craig Wright.

Despite his “Bitcoin Origins” story, Wilson has no absolute affidavit that he invented the blockchain protocol. Moreover, David Kleiman anesthetized abroad and Craig Wright denies Wilson was involved. Wright himself has additionally never assertive the greater crypto community that he invented the Bitcoin protocol. Wilson is still on Twitter to this actual day, but he doesn’t allege about his declared captivation with the alleged Satoshi Nakamoto ‘team’ as abundant as he did three years ago.

Back in 2019, a Belgium built-in alleged Debo Jurgen Etienne Guido fabricated a few annual for claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto. Debo still says he’s Satoshi Nakamoto to this actual day as able-bodied and operates a Twitter annual beneath the name @realsatoshin. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin artist has additionally never accurate he created the technology, but he’s managed to abduction 5,017 followers on Twitter.

Interestingly, Debo did accelerate affidavit by written letter to the cloister ambidextrous with the Klieman v. Wright case. In the letter, Debo said he was the “genuine and alone originator/creator of the alpha block of the Bitcoin blockchain.” This week, Debo alike responded to Elon Musk’s criticisms over Bitcoin’s aftereffect on the all-around climate.

“Once a bitcoin is generated, the affairs are far lower in electricity compared to mining,” Debo said to Musk. “No doubt, China has a big affair with account (abuse) of the accustomed ambiance to accomplish electricity, but to abundance bitcoin on blooming activity plants is a win-win on ROI.”

In August 2019, a business and accessible relations bureau specializing in fintech, Ivy McLemore & Associates appear a columnist absolution about a man alleged Bilal Khalid. Even admitting Khalid had aught affidavit that he was Satoshi Nakamoto, Ivy McLemore added appear a three-part blog post with a wild story that insists Khalid invented blockchain technology. Khalid’s blog posts accent that during the 2008 crisis, he acquainted it was the absolute time for the “final advance for Bitcoin to be created.”

Khalid of advance has no affidavit and said that the cryptographic affidavit he already had was absent forever. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin artist from Pakistan has not fabricated any appearances back the advertisement two years ago, and Ivy McLemore chock-full tweeting altogether on November 4, 2024. The Pakistani built-in has been clumsily quiet back this advertisement and apparently realizes no one believes him.

During the aforementioned anniversary Ivy McLemore chock-full tweeting, addition self-styled Satoshi Nakamoto appeared on the scene claiming to be a “Co-founder of BitCoin.” The German Jörg Molt told participants who abounding the 2019 WCC Vegas Blockchain Anniversary that he was Satoshi.

Molt additionally got a photo befalling with the bitcoin advocate Andreas Antonopoulos and was administration the account about as if Molt and Antonopoulos were abutting compadres. Antonopoulos anon declared this was not accurate and said he had actually no accord with the accomplished pretender.

“Apparently, a German being alleged ‘Jörg Molt’ has been assuming a selfie taken with me and cogent bodies that we are accompany — This is a LIE,” Antonopoulos tweeted. “I don’t apperceive him at all — I accept heard from others that he claims to be the architect of Bitcoin and has bags of BTC — A LIE.”

No one has apparent Jörg Molt at any conferences and contest back 2024, and his Satoshi Nakamoto affirmation is now a amusing memory.

Self-Proclaimed Satoshis Are Becoming Rare

There has been a abundant cardinal of self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamotos over the aftermost decade but none of them accept been convincing. Even Bloomberg banking columnist, Matthew Leising, led a cardinal of bodies to accept that Satoshi Nakamoto was allegedly autograph a book. Leising’s adventure wasn’t absolute at all, and these canicule he hasn’t mentioned this agrarian adventure he pushed into the accessible eye aback in the summer of 2018. But at that time, the alleged Bitcoin artist appear a web aperture alleged Nakamotofamilyfoundation.org with a cryptogram puzzle.

Whatever the case may be, assuming to be Satoshi Nakamoto comes with some allowances and notoriety. This account almost scratches the apparent back it comes to all the apparent Nakamotos that accept come out of the woodwork. However, back 2019 we haven’t apparent any new individuals dispatch out to affirmation Nakamoto’s throne. But that doesn’t beggarly they won’t arise again.

What do you anticipate about all the Faketoshi’s that accept appeared during the aftermost few years? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Bitcoin.com News Archive, Twitter, Bitcoin Origins, satoshinakamoto.ws, Archive.org,