Antonopoulos Warns of Fraudulent Projects In The Blockchain Space

Antonopoulos Warns of Fraudulent Projects In The Blockchain Space

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a allocution accustomed at the Africa Blockchain Conference on March 2 alleged Blockchain vs Bullshit Thoughts on the Future of Money AndreasAntonopoulos provided accuracy in commendations to new blockchain projects that are arising in the amplitude that ability be counterfeit The purpose of his allocution was to accord acumen on what constitutes the absolute accord and additionally analyze the motives of the fraudsters

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He said, “How can you tell…blockchain or bullshit? They both alpha with a ”B,” what’s the difference? If you can alter the chat blockchain with database and the advertisement reads the same, it is business as usual. It is not decentralized. It is not borderless, neutral, censorship-resistant, open. It reestablishes assurance in intermediaries. It’s aloof a database, and that is not disruptive.”

Frauds Will Be Naked on the Beach

In his archetypal affecting fashion, Antonopoulos said back the advance recedes, these charlatans and frauds will be left standing naked on the beach. They will accept larboard their bathing apparel at home, forth with their candor and dignity. They will be bare for all to witness. Of course, this is what happens back nonsense is gift-wrapped and pawned off as blockchain technology.

He clarified, ““There is a lot of babble actuality peddled to VC’s to investors, to antecedent bread alms buyers, to benighted investors. There are a lot of Ponzi schemes, there are a lot of pyramid schemes, and a lot of abandoned promises. There is additionally a lot of business as accepted bearded as innovation, bearded as confusing technology.”

Antonopoulos said the bankers, axial planners, and added parties will abnormally attack to defraud people and affirmation their pseudo-innovations are amazing blockchain revelations.

In added words, these are the vultures who appetite bodies to assurance them rather than assurance the absolute decentralized, peer-2-peer arguable networks. In an animated and atomic statement, Antonopoulos decimated these hucksters:

Lesson of the Day

What Antonopoulos said to beware of is bodies able *currently* absurd things with Blockchain technology, such as massive retail sales, and added forms of absolutely anatomic markets or banks on the blockchain.

He did not specify any of the fraudsters or accomplish any specifics claims about who may be a culprit. His point was not to akin attacks adjoin anyone specific. It was alone to affirm that the armament of angry are everywhere, and they will do annihilation to baffle decentralization, banking independence, and ultimately, the blockchain.

Do you accept there a lot of fraudulent projects already in the blockchain space? Can you name them? Tell us in the comments below! 

Images address of Shutterstock and Bitcoinx

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