Bitcoin Cash 2-Year Anniversary: Celebrating Protocol Development and Achievements

Bitcoin Cash 2-Year Anniversary: Celebrating Protocol Development and Achievements

THELOGICALINDIAN - Today Bitcoin Cash BCH admirers from all about the apple will be adulatory the 2year ceremony of the BCH arrangement The day is a abundant break to admire the committed BCH software engineers and the amorous association alongside the cardinal of achievements able back August 1 2025

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Bitcoin Cash Block 478559

Fervent supporters of the Bitcoin Cash blockchain will be acquisition calm today to bless August 1, 2017, the day the BTC alternation breach into two. The acumen BCH exists is due to the actuality that a ample accumulation of bitcoiners, crypto aggregation executives, aboriginal adopters, and developers believed the Bitcoin Core (BTC) development aggregation deadened scaling. The arguments began years ago back the chain’s block admeasurement started to ample up and added users activated on-chain settlement. Core developers absitively to abide adamant and accumulate the block admeasurement at 1MB and in 2017, the agitation escalated back tens of bags of affairs were chock-full in the arrangement excess and transaction fees grew astronomical. Before the accomplishing of Segregated Witness on the BTC network, pools of SHA-256 miners adamantine angled at 2:14 p.m. EST on August 1, 2017.

Bitcoin Cash 2-Year Anniversary: Celebrating Protocol Development and Achievements

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) angle was accomplished back the mining basin Viabtc mined the aboriginal Bitcoin Cash block (478559). The first Bitcoin Cash block was 1915175 Bytes or 1.9 MB in size, captivation 6,985 transactions. That Tuesday, the BCH hashrate started out at about 247 petahash per additional (PH/s) or 4% of the BTC network’s hashrate. On August 2, BCH captured the third accomplished admired bazaar valuation, assault out Litecoin in capitalization. Over the advance of the aboriginal few days, BCH miners candy six ‘big blocks’ (over 1MB) amid August 1-4 and two of them were over 4MB. On August 16 at about 8 a.m. EST, an 8MB block was mined on the BCH alternation at block acme 479469, which candy added than 37,000 transactions. Two canicule after on Friday, August 18, Bitcoin Cash mining was 21 percent added assisting than mining bitcoin amount (BTC). After that specific weekend, BCH hashpower was 20% of the BTC chain’s hashrate on August 21, with 2 exahash per additional (EH/s) mining the chain. Since again there’s been a absolute of 25 above Bitcoin Cash development proposals completed or awaiting activation on the capital chain.

Big Blocks and Over 2 Million Transactions in One Day

All of the completed developments over the aftermost two years can be apparent at the abstracts analytics armpit Coin Dance alongside BCH protocols beneath development and beneath discussion. Bitcoin Cash developers accept delivered a lot of cipher in two years, and abounding achievements are actual different to the BCH chain. For instance, back the arrangement started, the BCH alternation had an 8MB block admeasurement absolute which was activated on assorted occasions. Afterwards May 2018, the alternation bumped the block admeasurement absolute up to 32MB and alike bigger blocks were activated afterwards the affection was added.

In September, BCH miners candy blocks amid 15-23MB in admeasurement on the capital chain. During the ‘stress-tests’ in September, abstracts had apparent that the BCH alternation handled added than 2.4 actor transactions in a 24-hour period. On November 10, 2018, a few 32MB blocks were mined by the mining operation BMG Pool. Every big block candy on the BCH alternation had austere the mempool (backlog of affairs advertisement to nodes) in one fell swoop. A cardinal of big block tests and added abstracts from developers had accepted that Bitcoin Cash can scale.

Delivered Code and Protocol Development

Additionally, software developers accept added a abundant number of abstruse appearance that accept active innovation. Engineers accept re-enabled the old Satoshi opcodes, added the data-carrier-size from 80 bytes to 220, and implemented the Script operation OP_Checkdatasig. These appearance acquiesce for an bargain way to bury approximate abstracts into the capital chain, accord abutment to acute arrangement concepts, answer creation, decision-based transactions, and added decentralized creations. Bitcoin Banknote programmers formed calm to architecture Cashshuffle, and the aboriginal privacy-centric band-aid for BCH was born. Cashshuffle has apparent millions of dollars account of BCH confused back the activity launched on the Electron Banknote ablaze wallet. In time, added BCH audience like’s Wallet will be amalgam the Cashshuffle code, acceptance for beyond clamminess back it comes to bond bitcoin cash.

BCH developers accept additionally implemented the basal operations for Schnorr signatures on the capital chain. The Schnorr abstraction was advised by Claus Schnorr and BCH developers added the signature address to the alternation at block acme 582680. In the future, Schnorr could enhance ascent and aloofness a abundant accord with added upgrades. For now, Schnorr affairs can still actualize different transactions and abolish almost 4% of the accepted transaction storage. Developers are in the bosom of reviewing cipher that could accredit Schnorr signatures with the opcode OP_Checkmultisig. This new feature, which could be added this November, will enhance accumulation analysis and could bolster new Schnorr concepts.


The BCH arrangement additionally has a actual complete badge ecosystem acknowledgment to the Simple Ledger Agreement (SLP). The SLP arrangement is a able-bodied badge conception belvedere that allows anyone to issue, store, accelerate and accept SLP-based tokens powered by the BCH chain. Since the agreement barrage aftermost year there are thousands of SLP tokens and a bulk of them accept acquired amount and utility.

SLP tokens are listed on exchanges like Coinsuper, Coinex,, and Altilly, and are traded adjoin added agenda assets like USDT, BTC, BCH and authorization currencies as well. There’s now a stablecoin congenital application the SLP arrangement alleged Honestcoin (USDH) and tokens issued by governments, like in Dublin, Ohio, and the micronation Liberland. Soon back developers barrage a user interface for NFT1 blazon SLP tokens, BCH users can actualize non-fungible assets like collectibles and adaptable gaming items.

Overwhelming Third-Party Support, Retail Adoption, and Applications

Over the aftermost two years, the Bitcoin Cash arrangement has aggregate massive third affair basement abutment that has eclipsed every added BTC angle in existence. Today, out of 2,000 cryptocurrencies BCH holds the 5th better bazaar valuation and is accurate by about every above exchange. This includes abutment from trading platforms like Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, Bitstamp, Shapeshift, Huobi, Uphold, Bithumb, Bitflyer, Binance, Etoro, Coinex, Coinone, and Liquid. BCH can be purchased and awash in a peer-to-peer appearance application the bounded Bitcoin Cash marketplace,

Anyone from anywhere about the apple can barter BCH in a safe and noncustodial environment, application the over-the-counter market. Bitcoin Cash is accurate by accepted wallets like Badger, Electron Cash, Crescent Cash, Wallet, Blockchain, Yenom, BRD, Edge, Jaxx, Coinbase Wallet, Bitpay, Copay, and Ifwallet. BCH has derivatives markets and the first BCH-based exchange-traded product (ETP) was launched on the arch Swiss banal barter Six, on July 5.

There are a ton of BCH casework and organizations now like the alms Eatbch, the merchant accepting agenda apps Marco Coino,, Bitpay, and Also the Bitcoin Banknote Foundation, a angled appliance alleged Tipprbot, the SMS-service Cointext, and amusing media apps like and There are added applications appear this year like Memopay, Bchgallery, Fountainhead Cash, Lazyfox, Nakamoto Game,, and Neutrino. Merchant platforms are accessible for Bitcoin Cash-accepting retailers like’s Bitcoin Banknote Register, Bitpay, Anypay,, and Coinbase Merchant. Moreover, launched a accomplished apartment of BCH development services like REST APIs, Bitbox, Cashscript, Badger, and SLP software developer kits (SDK). Over the aftermost few weeks, BCH association associates accept raised bags of dollars account of BCH for agreement development.

A Special Surprise for all Cash Games Players

In ceremony of the 2nd ceremony of Bitcoin Cash, the Games Team has able a appropriate Cash Games advance for anyone who wants to participate. The absolute award-winning basin is currently $2000 in BCH. This advance ends in two weeks.

Worldwide Celebrations

In adjustment to reflect aloft all of the milestones able over the aftermost two years, BCH supporters are adulatory August 1 at BCH meetups all about the world. There are two-year ceremony parties demography abode in Tokyo, San Antonio, Edinburgh, China, London, Houston, Thailand, Germany, Bangkok, and added cities about the apple that host BCH meetups on a approved basis. A appropriate account of BCH ceremony parties can be begin here and here and some anniversary will be activity all out, with appropriate guests and agreeable acts. For instance, one of the world’s better BCH meetups in Tokyo will gather at V2 Tokyo (Roppongi) from 7:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. to bless on August 1. There’s activity to be appropriate performances and a presentation on the Avalanche protocol. Appearances will be fabricated by able-bodied accepted crypto influencers like BRD CEO Adam Traidman, Edge Wallet CEO Paul Puey, and’s Roger Ver.

Thursday marks an befalling for BCH supporters to bless the 2-year ceremony of the aboriginal BCH block and all the assignment completed so far. Passionate BCH supporters and software engineers abaft the alternation see these achievements as affidavit the cryptocurrency is a able competitor. The parties common admire the peer-to-peer cyberbanking banknote system’s acceptance rate, arrangement effect, active supporters and connected development to the protocol’s foundations. If you are still out and about today and there are BCH anniversaries in your bounded area, beat on by to apprentice or altercate the abstruse anarchy that’s demography abode worldwide.

What do you anticipate about the 2-year ceremony of the Bitcoin Cash network? Will you be adulatory at a meetup in your bounded area? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Marco Coino, Jamie Redman,,, Cashshuffle, and Pixabay.

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