Dear Ross Ulbricht | Tatiana Moroz

Dear Ross Ulbricht | Tatiana Moroz

THELOGICALINDIAN - This letter to Ross Ulbricht was accounting by Tatiana Moroz


Dear Ross,

I am fussing about the active allowance tonight admiring my handiwork.  I’ve created appealing abundant the best altogether agenda I’ve anytime made J  It’s a vegetable block (in case you can’t tell), back I apperceive how abundant you crave acceptable diet in prison.  I achievement it brightens up your corpuscle and makes you smile.

When I was aboriginal asked to address you a letter publicly, I didn’t absolutely like the idea.  We accept been autograph anniversary added for a while now and accept become friends, so what do I do?  Pick up during our aftermost adventure and act like no one’s account along?  All I capital to do was accomplish you the block picture, not address article to be apprehend by others.  It feels strange.

But I anticipation about it. I absitively aback I capital to appearance support, and because I accept met you and all, I could use this to appearance bodies why I took so abundant time to accomplish you something, and why I put so abundant of myself into authoritative it.  You accept been an absurd acquaintance and an inspiration, alike admitting we accept alone met a few times.  So on this 32nd anniversary of your activity on this planet, I appetite to accord you article back.  Get accessible to blush.

I bethink the aboriginal time I went to the jail. I was so agitated and traumatized, it took me a while to get it together. But you were air-conditioned as a cucumber, and said it was OK to feel what I was feeling.  I asked you what you did back you were sad.  You replied that you acquainted it.

This addled me.

“What do you mean, “You FELT it”!?”  And you artlessly replied that if you were sad, you aloof went into your corpuscle for a day or so and aloof acquainted what you were feeling.  Who DOES that?!?  I mean, abiding you don’t accept abounding places to go to escape, but still.  Most bodies do not acquiesce themselves to feel.  In fact, if you anticipate about it, our absolute lives are fabricated up to abstain feeling.  We (the “free” ones) accept congenital our own prisons about ourselves.  What makes you altered is that you accept acclimated your bastille to cartel greatly.

About your time there, you accept said imprisonment (in general) was apathetic torture.  After seeing it aboriginal hand, I can actual abundant accede with you.  But you additionally mentioned how it could be worse, that some prisons accept added bodies administration a cell, at atomic you are fed alike if the aliment isn’t advantageous at all, and added bizarrely optimistic impressions.  You said that alike admitting bastille is awful, there is a lot of affection there too.

This is one of your best qualities, your astonishing adeptness to see things differently.  The approaches you take, and the outlooks and accomplishments you accept are 18-carat and are of effortless acceptable intention.  It’s remarkable.  Now, a lot of bodies say to attending at the absolute ancillary of things, but it’s aloof fake.  You, on the added hand, assume to absolutely actualize this angle and it’s adamantine to anytime booty things for accepted back one knows you.  I acknowledge activity abundant more, so acknowledge you.

Another affair we’ve talked about is how you advise GED classes at the prison.  I like audition about the guys. I apperceive you absolutely adore it and so do they.   You must, afterwards all this is your third annular of classes.  I afresh asked you if they were accomplishing well, and aloft audition a anemic reply, I appropriate conceivably you could actuate them.  You said  “No, they are developed men and they charge to actuate themselves.”  You again said that that access absolutely works for some of them because they apprehend it’s up to them to be bigger and to administer themselves.   That sounds harsh, but it absolutely rings accurate if you anticipate about it.  It’s the way that has the best continued appellation results.

Then, the aftermost time I visited, you asked me how I go about acceptable addition of my account and ideals.  I had a appealing appropriate answer, but castigation was abundant better.  In a nutshell, I said I would chronicle it aback to their point of absorption and appearance why their angle was absolutely an abridged appearance of the picture.  You instead would ask them why they anticipation what they did, would absolutely chronicle to their thinking, and would accompany them to your point of appearance by allowance them amount it out on their own.  I accept mentioned that to others, and abstruse it’s the Socratic method, but I didn’t know.  I still anticipate of it as your way, and it fabricated me amend my approach J

When the bouncer came to accompany you aback to your corpuscle afterwards our aftermost visit, you asked me what affectionate act or affair would I do that day, and I said I would alarm my grandma.  This was alright, but I do alarm her frequently, so it’s not that impressive.  I aloof couldn’t anticipate of a altered affair to say on the spot.  So I asked you what affectionate affair you would do today.  You were about to acknowledgment as you absolved away, but were reminded that your accolade were still on the bench.  Instead of demography them yourself, you gave them to these little kids abutting to us, who were visiting their dad.  You again went to acknowledgment my catechism adage you would accept to anticipate about it and you didn’t apperceive what affectionate affair you would do that day.  I looked at you incredulously and said, “But Ross, you DID aloof do article kind!” and you aloof shrugged it off.  To me, that absolutely illustrates added what a candidly candied being you are.

So actuality you go, I am apparently awkward you by now.  But while I am absolutely talking you up, it’s true!  You deserve addition to accede your accomplishments as a developed animal being.

One final affair afore I accelerate this off.  I anticipation others may get article from this. Some association account may not know, but I accept had some above articulation problems the accomplished brace years and it’s been actual difficult to not be able to accurate myself with music.  Now, it’s been accepting better, but for a while, I didn’t apperceive if I would anytime sing again.  You told me (after alert to my belletrist cogent my devastation):  “Remember Tatiana, I don’t appetite you to anguish about your voice, or what happened with me, or with annihilation really.  As continued as we’re alive, there is acumen to hope.”  For addition in your position to say that, and absolutely beggarly it, how can I anytime billow my apple with hopeless agnosticism anytime again?

For this altogether and all your others Ross, I ambition you hope, adulation and all the acceptable things that you deserve.  I achievement we the bodies can assemblage calm to advice you accomplish that a reality.



Today, March 27, is Ross Ulbricht’s birthday. will be announcement belletrist from associates of the Bitcoin association who appetite to ambition Ross a blessed birthday, as able-bodied as accommodate their moral abutment in his adverse ordeal. If you would like to advice Ross, feel chargeless to accord to his address armamentarium at

Images address of Tatiana Moroz.