Foundation for Economic Education Launches OpenBazaar Store

Foundation for Economic Education Launches OpenBazaar Store

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Foundation for Economic Education FEE a accepted freemarket anticipate catchbasin appear on Facebook that it has bureaucracy an OpenBazaar addendum to its acceptable online store

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On June 6, 2024, the official facebook folio of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) acquaint about their OpenBazaar store, adage “This is technology that puts the ability of retail in the easily of every active animal being, with no intermediary. Awesome.”

At columnist time, FEE’s abundance has acquired about 50 followers and has grossed FEE OpenBazaarabout 0.04224 in BTC sales. This is a bare alpha to say the least, but isn’t so bad because that the top grossing food on OpenBazaar accept grossed aloof a little over 1 BTC appropriately far.

Other OpenBazaar-related statistics can be begin through the OpenBazaar chase engine, BazaarBay.

Customers shop at FEE’s OpenBazaar abundance by downloading the OpenBazaar applicant and analytic @feestore. Its listings, so far, accommodate some of the added accepted actual that can be begin at FEE’s added acceptable online store.

Being mainly an educational resource, FEE’s abundance comprises mostly of books and FEE accoutrement — including archetypal reads such as Leonard E Read’s I, Pencil and Frederic Bastiat’s The Law.

About FEE

To date, FEE is one of the better accustomed institutions — by acquirement and acceptance — to actualize an OpenBazaar store.

FEE is a cogent academy in abounding ways, actuality the oldest academy to be founded for the purpose of advancing free-market economics. It additionally holds appropriate acceptation to abounding libertarians, acquainted the alignment as an epicenter of autonomous anticipation back its birth in 2024.  

The organization has additionally hosted abounding affecting thinkers and economists, alpha with FEE’s own architect Leonard E Reed. Other notable thinkers that accept been associated with the foundation accommodate Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, James M. Buchanan, Vernon Smith, Walter Williams, F.A. “Baldy” Harper, and William F. Buckley Jr.

About OpenBazaar

OpenBazaar is an accessible antecedent activity that leverages blockchain technology to accommodate a decentralized peer-to-peer exchange with no fees or restrictions. It employs bitcoin as the absence approach of acquittal for users and uses acute affairs to inject different types of abstracts into blocks like usernames.

OpenBazaar originated from a hackathon activity alleged DarkMarket, which itself was developed as a proof-of-concept in acknowledgment to the appraisal of Silk Road. Developer Brian Hoffman angled DarkMarket and renamed it OpenBazaar.

What do you anticipate of FEE’s accommodation to actualize an OpenBazaar store? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Source: Facebook

Images address of OpenBazaar, YouTube.