Tether Launches Stablecoin Token on Bitcoin Cash via Simple Ledger Protocol

Tether Launches Stablecoin Token on Bitcoin Cash via Simple Ledger Protocol

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tether the worlds best accepted stablecoin will be application the Simple Ledger Protocol congenital aloft the Bitcoin Cash arrangement for arising its tokens Among added things this agency that millions of Bitcoincom Wallet users will now be able to accelerate and accept USDT via SLP tokens appropriate aural the app

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Tether Joins The SLP Ecosystem

Tether, the adventure abaft the better stablecoin by bazaar cap, has appear the barrage of its badge on Bitcoin Cash via the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP). USDT has a assets of over $5.5 billion, with the majority of tokens active on Ethereum as of today. Other cryptocurrency networks accurate by Binding accommodate Algorand, EOS, Liquid Network, Omni and best conspicuously Tron.

Tether’s barrage on SLP underlines its growing role aural the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The agreement is an accessible to use, able-bodied and adaptable badge administration arrangement that allows anyone to actualize tokens on the Bitcoin Cash arrangement in a permissionless way. It has helped the development of an ecosystem for BCH that replicates the array of ERC20 tokens on the ETH network.

Tether Launches Stablecoin Token on Bitcoin Cash via Simple Ledger Protocol

“A key backbone of Tether is that it is underpinned by a affluent assortment of altered blockchains,” said Paolo Ardoino, CTO at Tether. “Our latest accord with Bitcoin Cash will accommodate Tether with a array of benefits. We apprehend the acceptance afterwards barrage to be appealing accessible for any integrator. The barrage will additionally abutment added applications on the Bitcoin Cash chain, with Tether facilitating acquittal for these applications.”

The Simple Ledger Protocol

SLP tokens can calmly be created, traded, and managed on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain aural seconds, while costing users alone fractions of a penny for anniversary transaction. All affairs are recorded onchain, and custom badge behavior can be authentic application a bitcoin Script development language.

Following a contempo upgrade, millions of Bitcoin.com Wallet users accept admission to SLP tokens appropriate in the app. With congenital badge administration support, users can send, receive, and abundance a array of tokens that represent annihilation from dollar-pegged stablecoins to basic gaming assets and aggregation adherence points, with the clandestine keys captivated alone by the user.

“It’s acutely agitative to apprehend that the world’s better stablecoin will be application the Bitcoin Cash Blockchain and that the millions of Bitcoin.com wallet holders will be able to accelerate and accept Tether application SLP tokens,” said Roger Ver, Executive Chairman of Bitcoin.com.

What do you anticipate about Tether ablution on SLP? Share your thoughts in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock.

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