A Few Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges Bid Farewell to the Crypto-Community

A Few Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges Bid Farewell to the Crypto-Community

THELOGICALINDIAN - This anniversary a few accepted Chinese bitcoin exchanges BTCC Bitkan and Viabtc shut bottomward boutique and chock-full cryptocurrency trading operations The closures were appear aftermost ages and chase the contempo government accommodation to appoint basic currencies on October 1

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Viabtc and BTCC Say Goodbye to the Crypto-Community

Last ages abounding Chinese cryptocurrency trading platforms appear they would be closing their doors for an alien bulk of time. On September 30, BTCC and Viabtc said goodbye for now to the bitcoin ‘community’ and bankrupt barter operations.

“Dear friends, Viabtc has bankrupt our Barter account from 00:00 Sept 30th, 2017,” explains the Chinese exchange. “Viabtc has additionally completed CNY and crypto abandonment of all users. We acknowledge all your abutment and assurance in us from all over the apple — See you my friends.”

The barter BTCC additionally bid adieu to the association as able-bodied and abundant the startup has been active ceaseless back its birth stating;  

Bitcoin OTC Market Volumes Spike Exponentially  

Currently, Chinese bitcoin traders can still use the trading platforms Huobi and Okcoin until the end of October. Speculators accept Chinese traders are already moving funds to exchanges in Hong Kong and added adjoining regions. Further Over-the-Counter (OTC) trade volumes on exchanges like Localbitcoins is college than anytime afore in history. Additionally, bodies are advertisement that Chinese traders are affairs bitcoin over Wechat, Telegram and some are absorption to a new decentralized exchange alleged “Airswap.”

A Few Chinese Bitcoin Exchanges Bid Farewell to Crypto-Community

Bitcoin Exchange Providers May Come Back After the “Cleanup Period” and Licensure

Speculators accept calm exchanges in China will be aback afterwards the nation’s basic bill regulations are enforced, or afterwards the 19th Communist Congress elections end. Further, it has been said by Chinese bitcoin luminaries like Jihan Wu that trading platforms would acknowledgment afterwards accepting licensed.

Moreover, China’s bounded publication Bjnews calls the closures a “cleanup period,” and additionally appear bitcoin barter admiral allegedly charge abide in China until the aeon is over. Other exchanges and bitcoin OTC providers like Bitkan accept abeyant operations as able-bodied this week.

“Our OTC action is abeyant — Thank you to our users and abide to watch for our artefact support,” explains the bitcoin belvedere Bitkan. 

How do you see bitcoin exchanges in China affective forward? Do you anticipate calm exchanges will be able to acknowledgment to business in China? Let us apperceive what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Coin Dance, and Twitter. 

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