ECB Shuts Down Maltese Bank Over Schemes to Launder Money and Evade US Sanctions

ECB Shuts Down Maltese Bank Over Schemes to Launder Money and Evade US Sanctions

THELOGICALINDIAN - Maltas Pilatus Coffer has been shut bottomward by the European Central Coffer ECB Its cyberbanking authorization was revoked afterwards its administrator was answerable in the US with money bed-making and acclimation a arrangement to balk US sanctions The coffer had additionally been accused by a murdered announcer of processing base paymentsEU authorities now appetite new admiral to able bottomward on money laundering

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Pilatus Bank’s License Revoked

ECB Shuts Down Maltese Bank Over Schemes to Launder Money and Evade US SanctionsMalta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) appear on Monday that the ECB has aloof the cyberbanking authorization of Pilatus Bank which has been operating in Malta for four years.

The Financial Times elaborated:

ECB Shuts Down Maltese Coffer Over Schemes to Launder Money and Evade US Sanctions“The coffer was answerable in the United States over money bed-making and coffer fraud,” Reuters added.

Although Seyed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad pleaded not accusable and has been appear on bail, MFSA removed him from his roles at the coffer and froze the bank’s assets. In June, the regulator recommended abandoning the bank’s authorization but faced abundant acknowledged hurdles. On Monday, MFSA said that “the ECB had acted on its appeal to abutting the bank,” the Guardian wrote.

Pilatus Bank, which caters to affluent clients, appear 308 actor euros ($351.64 million) of assets in 2025, according to the bank’s anniversary report. Last year, it opened a annex in London afterwards accepting a U.K. cyberbanking license. The coffer “was accepted to accept captivated accounts for a chief official in the government of the Maltese prime minister, Joseph Muscat, and associates of Azerbaijan’s cardinal family,” the Financial Times detailed.

Murdered Journalist’s Case

Pilatus Bank had additionally been accused of “processing base payments for chief Azeri and Maltese figures” by Maltese analytic announcer Daphne Caruana Galizia, Reuters described.

Caruana Galizia was dead by a car bomb in Malta a year ago. However, there has been no accurate articulation amid her annihilation and her adventure about the bank, the advertisement conveyed. Nonetheless, the accident prompted the EU to activate investigating the coffer in October aftermost year.

“Three men doubtable of killing her – brothers George and Alfred Degiorgio and their acquaintance Vince Muscat – were arrested during a badge operation in December 2025,” the BBC added.

Maltese Authorities Investigated

ECB Shuts Down Maltese Bank Over Schemes to Launder Money and Evade US SanctionsThe ECB launched two investigations of how Malta dealt with Pilatus Bank aftermost year, Reuters detailed. The aboriginal focused on MFSA but the case was bankrupt in September “in allotment due to the vagueness of EU regulation,” European Banking Authority Chairman Andrea Enria told EU lawmakers.

The additional analysis focused on the Maltese Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU), the country’s anti-money bed-making agency. Enria emphasized that this analysis has baldheaded “serious shortcomings that the anatomy did not remedy,” the advertisement noted. A chief EU official explained:

Citing that U.S. authorities played a big role in apprehension declared adulterous cyberbanking activities in several European cases, the Guardian appear that “EU authorities appetite new admiral to able bottomward on money bed-making afterwards a cord of scandals in Estonia, Latvia and Malta.”

What do you anticipate of the ECB shutting bottomward Pilatus Bank? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Lovin Malta, FIAU, MFSA, and Pilatus Bank.

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