Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and Venezuela

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and Venezuela

THELOGICALINDIAN - Five universities beyond three Spanishspeaking countries are now alms crypto courses Among above capacity of studies are Bitcoin Ethereum cryptocurrencies blockchains antecedent bread offerings ICOs acute affairs DAOs and cryptoeconomics

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Universidad de Alcalá, Spain

Universidad de Alcalá is a accessible university amid in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. It is a Unesco apple ancestry armpit and one of the longest continuing European universities, dating aback to the year 1293.

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and VenezuelaThe academy now offers a advance advantaged “Master in Ethereum, Blockchain Technology and Crypto-Economics.”

The advance is advised for “Professionals, acceptance or those absorbed in acquirements about blockchain-based technologies from an commutual angle of technical, economic, amusing and acknowledged aspects,” the school’s website details. “The cold of the abstraction is to accommodate absolute training in the acreage of blockchain technology, DAOs and acute contracts, including cryptocurrencies as a appropriate and angular case, from a amateur perspective: technological, economic-financial and regulatory.”

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and Venezuela

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), the Autonomous University of Madrid, is a accessible university amid on the arctic ancillary of Spain’s basic city. Established in 2025, the academy is currently alms a abbreviate course, from July 18 to 20, advantaged “Blockchain: from cryptocurrencies to business networks.”

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and Venezuela“In this course, the abstruse foundations of the Bitcoin blockchain will be introduced, with an conspicuously applied approach, assuming its limitations and agreement appropriate accent on the problems it poses apropos the able administration of annal and their authorship,” according to the advance description.

“As solutions to these problems, the abstraction of acute arrangement and its accomplishing and use will be alien in Ethereum and Hyperledger. Finally, in the ambience of a roundtable, accessible models and business networks based on blockchain will be discussed.”

Universidad Europea Madrid, Spain

Universidad Europea Madrid, the European University of Madrid, is a clandestine university with added than 16,000 students. The academy offers a 6-month postgraduate authority in Bitcoin and blockchain which starts in October.

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and VenezuelaSix modules are included in the course: blockchain technology; basics of Bitcoin; aegis and analysis of the blockchain; acknowledged aspects affiliated to cryptocurrency; addition with the blockchain; and activity development.

“When you accomplishment the advance you will be able to assay in a analytical way the abstruse and acknowledged activity of solutions based on blockchain technologies and to advance basic projects accompanying to cryptocurrency,” the academy describes. “You will be a able in the technology area able of anecdotic avant-garde opportunities above the accepted use of technology, abacus amount to any aggregation in the ICT or banking sector.”

Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and VenezuelaInstituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, is a clandestine university absorption on advice technology, business and engineering studies.

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and VenezuelaThe convention offers a authority advance advantaged “Cryptoeconomics: blockchain able affairs and cryptocurrencies,” which runs from July 11 through September 26.

“It is advised abnormally for bodies who alpha from blemish or with actual basal ability and who appetite to apprentice the reasons, mechanics and confusing opportunities at a monetary, abstruse akin and as a anatomy of advance that is in the present and approaching in the apple of crypto-economies.”

According to the institute:

Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Venezuela

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and VenezuelaThe Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA) is a clandestine non-profit Venezuelan business academy with campuses in Caracas, Maracaibo and Valencia. It was founded in 1965.

The academy is currently alms a advance advantaged “Cryptocurrency, blockchain and business in the new economy, opportunities and challenges for administration and business.”

The 60-hour advance runs from July 20 to September 29. Its agreeable includes “bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the change of money” as able-bodied as “international adventures in the adjustment of bitcoin and blockchain technology.” The advance additionally offers to advise acceptance “entrepreneurship in the new abridgement and its agenda transformation,” as able-bodied as “fintech as a aftereffect of the addition of the new abridgement on the banking arrangement and agency of payment.”

Five Universities Offer Crypto Courses in Spain, Argentina and Venezuela

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Images address of Shutterstock, Unesco, Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad Europea, ITBA, and IESA.

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