What If Elon Musk Is Just Making “Noob” Crypto Mistakes?
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What If Elon Musk Is Just Making “Noob” Crypto Mistakes?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Is Elon Musk arena 4D chess or is he aloof authoritative amateur mistakes Its accessible to adjudicator the adverse and inaccurate bulletin those tweets independent but what if Elon artlessly doesnt apperceive bigger What if the billionaire doesnt accept a adept plan and instead is aloof acquirements appropriate in advanced of our eyes Its absolutely a achievability At atomic thats what TV personality and Bitcoin apostle Max Keiser thinks

Even admitting Mr. Musk has been about cryptocurrencies for a continued time, he’s alone been into cryptocurrencies for a few months. Luckily for us, our sister armpit Bitcoinist is on the case from the actual beginning. Let’s appraise Elon’s history with blockchain-technology-related projects and try to amount out his adept plan or abridgement thereof. It’s the atomic we can do.

Could Elon Musk Be Satoshi Nakamoto?

Three years ago, the billionaire had to respond to the world:

“Not true. A acquaintance beatific me allotment of a BTC a few years (sic), but I don’t apperceive area it is,” he wrote in acknowledgment to a contempo blog post whose author, Sahil Gupta, said Musk was “probably” Nakamoto.
“Satoshi could be a accord of Musk, Nick Szabo, and Hal Finney. But it seems added acceptable that Elon apprehend their analysis papers, took afflatus from them, and congenital the artefact solo,” Gupta had mused.

Even admitting aback again Musk had annihilation to do with cryptocurrencies, he was in the aforementioned orbit. And the crypto association approved to cull him in application assorted tactics.
DOGE amount blueprint for 05/27/2021 - TradingView

The CEO Of Dogecoin

Two years ago, the Dogecoin association crowned him CEO. As you ability imagine, the bread registered its aboriginal Elon-pump: 

The aftereffect on Dogecoin was actual and decisive: as of columnist time, the altcoin had fabricated circadian assets adjoin the US dollar of about 35 percent.

DOGE/USD currently trades about $0.0033, its accomplished back aboriginal November.

Elon Musk bound acquired the absorption of the cryptocurrency association on Twitter, with traders extrapolating abeyant endorsement of the added industry above DOGE.

And alike admitting Musk anon accommodated to the Doge CEO position, the accord amid the billionaire and the joke-cryptocurrency would prove to be stronger than anyone thought.

Related Reading | Goldman Sachs Exec Says Much Nope To Firm After Making Millions On Dogecoin

Elon Musk’s Initial Views On Crypto

A year ago, the billionaire assuredly spoke about about cryptocurrencies in his own “Third Row Tesla Podcast”. Bitcoinist reported:

He brand the abstraction and thinks that it is ‘clever.’ However, he additionally has apropos apropos their role in authoritative actionable transactions. He said,

There are affairs that are not aural the antithesis of the law. And there are, obviously, abounding laws in altered countries. And, normally, banknote is acclimated for these transactions. But, in adjustment for actionable affairs to occur, banknote charge additionally be acclimated for acknowledged transactions. You charge an illegal-to-legal bridge. That’s area crypto comes in.

Oh, the “criminals use Bitcoin” argument. The aboriginal catechism every noob encounters. We achievement that Elon already ample out that every transaction fabricated stays engraved in the blockchain forever. And that actuality is not ideal for criminals, as the DarkSide saga proves.

Tesla Adds Bitcoin To Its Balance Sheet

A bald four months ago, Bitcoin got the Elon-pump. His aggregation was in the action of acquiring BTC and:

Elon Musk’s accession of “#Bitcoin” to his Twitter bio and abeyant affairs activities assuredly played a huge role in this rally.

The bread went from $32K to $38K, and again it was up-only for a while. A few months later, Elon answered “true” to a tweet about Bitcoin and renewable energy. Bitcoinist reported:

An April cheep that proves that Elon had been cerebration about the subject. Not alone that, he agreed with Jack Dorsey back he fabricated this statement: “Bitcoin incentivizes renewable energy.” Talk about a smoker gun.

A few weeks later, Elon appear in an abominable cheep that Tesla wasn’t accepting added Bitcoin payments for ecology concerns. And all hell bankrupt loose. 

BTC amount blueprint for 05/27/2021 - TradingView

Maybe Elon Musk Has Not Done His Homework?

It’s adamantine to accept that Tesla invested added than a billion dollars in Bitcoin after researching the environmental allotment of the equation. But afresh again, while arresting his position, Elon fabricated bright that he doesn’t apperceive the aberration amid the nodes and the miners:

While the actuality that best miners were in China is not ideal, the nodes ascendancy the Bitcoin network. And those are advance all over the world. And anyone could alpha operating one by afterward a few accessible steps, alike you.

And then, aloof three weeks ago, he said the darndest affair about Dogecoin. Bitcoinist reported:

With his characteristic faculty of humor, Musk finds it acrid that this beginning class, with the abeyant to be the world’s assets currency, to be spearhead by a activity that started as a joke. Musk said:

Which one it is activity to be? Maybe it’ll be multiple, it should be advised belief at this point. The point is that Dogecoin was invented as a joke, as about to accomplish fun of cryptocurrencies. Fate loves irony, what it would be the best acrid outcome? That the bill that was invented as a joke, in actuality becomes the absolute currency. To the moon!

That’s cute! Nevertheless, Doge axiological characteristics accomplish it an cool outcome. The accumulation is absolute and the arrangement mints an cool bulk of new bill every day. If the apple wants a perpetual-printing apparatus that devalues the holder’s bill by the minute, it already has the Fiat system.

And, apperception you, the abiding press was the capital allotment of the Doge joke. It seems that the punchline flew over Elon’s head.

Related Reading | Binance Burns Record $600 Million BNB In Its 15th Quarter

So, Could Elon Be Just Making Noob Mistakes? 

When a abundant apperception accompanied by a big ego encounters Bitcoin, it anon gravitates appear aggravating to fix it. Elon is not the aboriginal and will not be the last. Every abundant Bitcoin thinker out there had an Altcoin phase. They all anticipation that maybe a new abstraction had appear forth that fabricated Bitcoin obsolete. 

Eventually, they all apprehend that Bitcoin is added of a phenomenon than a technology. That the bread-and-butter incentives are appropriate area they belong, and that it’s a apparatus with the abeyant of convalescent the apple for everyone.

Maybe Max Keiser is appropriate and Musk aloof isn’t there yet. 

If that’s what’s happening, we can apparently calculation on his ability to amount all of this out.

Let’s achievement he does it eventually than later.