Akon Endorsed Platform Polker Reveal Staking Countdown and NFT Giveaway

Akon Endorsed Platform Polker Reveal Staking Countdown and NFT Giveaway

THELOGICALINDIAN - PolkerGame has been bringing a connected beck of updates development and listings over the aftermost few months and they are not assuming any assurance of slowing bottomward Polker is one of the above sponsors of Polycon 2024 the better Polygon accident of the year all this beneath than 10 canicule afterwards Polygon appear the affiliation and awarded a admission to Polker The day afore Polycon went alive Wednesday the 15th of September Polker afraid the association with the advertisement of a huge giveaway

The NFT betrayal is massive – 1st abode is activity to be a Holographic Ultra-Rare. This awash at bargain in August for over 3.3ETH ($10,000). There will additionally be 9 added NFTs for the runners-up. This is not all – 500 bodies will be winners of 50 PKR tokens!

Just one day afterwards the account of the competition, Polker appear that staking of their built-in badge PKR will be activity alive on Friday the 24th of September at 13:00EST. Polker’s antecedent staking basin will run for 90 canicule and will go alive with $100,000 of PKR tokens. With the connected beck of contest and announcements accepted throughout these 90 days, the amount of the $100k at the end is acceptable to be abundant greater – an befalling abundant too abundant to absence out on for a activity with such potential.

Staking is activity to assignment on the Ethereum blockchain – and they will be hosting the staking basin on their own absolutely audited platform. The development aggregation accept accurate yet afresh that not alone do they accept how to advance absorbing gaming content, they are added than competent at blockchain accomplishing too. Have a attending yourselves, the admission is alive on their website!

With the huge bulk of absolute account afresh from Polker it seems the aggregation has absitively to acquiesce anybody to win some of their absorbing NFTs. This includes one Ultra-Rare, two Rare, and six Standard NFTs – these will be accustomed to those who accomplish the distinct better buys on either PancakeSwap or Uniswap during the antagonism period. This isn’t aloof for whales admitting – anybody who makes a buy and submits the transaction assortment (txid) to Polker will accept the adventitious to win one of 500 prizes of 50 PKR tokens.

The antagonism will run until PKR staking goes live, so you accept until Friday 24th to partake in this giveaway. Further advice on this can be begin on Polker’s Average here.

Polker’s name has been actualization added and added frequently beyond the crypto apple in contempo weeks. This seemed to activate as PKR listed on centralized barter BitMart and as Akon, the R&B superstar and crypto enthusiast shouted out to Polker. The video can be apparent here.

Shoutout to Polker man, this bold is revolutionary, I got a adventitious to comedy and wow, a agenda bold acquaintance in 3D, congenital Unreal Engine 4, this is easily down, this is the best comedy to earn, NFT bold in the space.”

— Akon

Polker is advancing to absolution their Play-to-Earn poker platform, a different and absorbing online gaming acquaintance utilizing Unreal Engine 4. The bold will be accessible for actually anyone to play, for those attractive to comedy a brace of quick easily at a table after wagering any money – the bold is accessible absolutely free.

Polker’s built-in badge has a bazaar assets beneath $4m – with the bulk of account and development activity into this activity it’s bright that not alone is this a activity to accumulate your eye on for their products, it’s additionally an advance befalling too acceptable to miss.