As a Socially Responsible Company Focusing on Charity, CoinEx Introduces the Multi-Million-Dollar Charity Fund

As a Socially Responsible Company Focusing on Charity, CoinEx Introduces the Multi-Million-Dollar Charity Fund

THELOGICALINDIAN - As blockchain technology advances and gets added broadly accessible it has become an basic allotment of our lives In accurate the connected tech advance in DeFi and NFTs over contempo years has admiring a growing cardinal of boilerplate advance institutions listed companies as able-bodied as professionals absorption on artworks and collectibles to the blockchain apple which enables the fast advance of the industry

As the aboriginal and best acknowledged blockchain application, Bitcoin has become one of the top 10 banking assets in agreement of the bazaar cap. It is alike added admired than Meta (formerly Facebook). Moreover, both institutional and retail investors abduction the opportunities brought by its advance by advance in Bitcoin, which is a decentralized cryptocurrency with a low advance threshold.

As a growing cardinal of crypto exchanges accumulation from the arising industry, abounding of them are acceptable added socially responsible. They accept started to accomplish their amusing responsibilities through blockchain technology as able-bodied as the assets and access they wield, and amid them is CoinEx, a acclaimed all-around crypto exchange.


A acquaintance of abundance recommended CoinEx to me because this beginner-friendly barter offers simple web pages, applied functions, and acceptable trading experiences, which conforms to its cast slogan: Making Crypto Trading Easier. As abounding exchanges consistently account new cryptos and acquaint new features, CoinEx takes the adverse path. As CoinEx CEO Haipo Yang said in an interview, “CoinEx will ‘make crypto trading easier’ through products, token-listing, and chump services.”

For instance, back it comes to products, CoinEx contest abstemiousness and never bags functions aloft functions. Instead, the barter promises to action functionally acceptable and easy-to-use features. It aims to about-face circuitous articles into simple ones to accommodated absolute user demands. Crypto traders don’t charge so abounding adorned functions, and boundless functionalities will alone accomplish crypto trading alike added difficult.

Furthermore, adverse a growing cardinal of shitcoins and betray coins, some exchanges accumulate blurred the bar of crypto advertisement to acquire added trading fees at the amount of users. CoinEx, on the added hand, focuses on abiding advance and will never cede users’ interests for concise profits. The CoinEx aggregation spends affluence of time screening first-rate cryptos, thereby allowance users abstain risks and shitcoins.

Additionally, abounding investors, abnormally beginners, generally feel at sea with crypto trading. In response, CoinEx provides professional, efficient, and accommodating chump service, which additionally shows its agog insights into the crypto sector.

As a loyal CoinEx user, I additionally adore CoinEx’s charge to accessible welfare. It is far added complex in alms than any added crypto exchange.

As it ceremoniousness its aboriginal charge to giving aback to association and convalescent accessible wellbeing, CoinEx Alms has hosted accommodating contest in places that accommodate the Philippines and Nigeria back 2024. This year, it additionally launched the Multi-Million-Dollar Alms Fund. Actively complex in accommodating causes all over the world, CoinEx Alms contributes to all-around accessible welfare, absorption on animal development, education, abjection alleviation, emergency relief, and accommodating healthcare. The alignment empowers all-around alms through its amusing influence.

Official website:

CoinEx Charity in Nigeria (Akwa Ibom State Universal Basic Education Board in the middle)

Let’s booty a attending at the specific accommodating contest hosted by CoinEx Charity:

In December 2024, CoinEx Charity donated 700 affliction bales to accouchement at Uniuyo Teaching Hospital, Nigeria; in January 2022, CoinEx Charity accomplished a accomplishment aggregation to the Philippines anon afterwards the country was hit by a adverse typhoon; in February 2022, CoinEx Charity offered admiring aliment bales to 100 poor families in Iran; in April 2022, it beatific Easter presents to over 500 accouchement in poor regions in Brazil.

CoinEx Charity in Vietnam

Focusing on children’s apprenticeship worldwide, CoinEx Charity launched Book Donation Common on May 26 to body accommodating account corners for schools and accord books.

According to its official introduction, CoinEx Charity’s aboriginal two book donation contest took abode in Antakya (Turkey) and Damascus (Syria) on May 26 and May 28, respectively, and about 3,000 books were donated to 6 bounded schools. Moreover, CoinEx Charity additionally purchased bookshelves to body account corners for anniversary school.

CoinEx Charity in Malaysia

In June, the attack will access in 8 countries, accoutrement Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Brazil, South Korea, India, and Venezuela. CoinEx Charity will accord about 11,000 books and accommodate added and bigger acquirements spaces for poor children, so that they could apprehend and apprentice with affection anytime, anywhere. Powered by an ocean of books, accouchement can acquisition their dreams and strive for a bigger future.

CoinEx Charity in Brazil

As a world-renowned crypto exchange, CoinEx has remained committed to the mission of “Via Blockchain, Making the World a Better Place”. The barter has provided us with simple and applied crypto trading casework and congenital basic infrastructures for the crypto industry. With abundant power, comes abundant responsibility. As allotment of animal society, CoinEx spares no accomplishment in giving aback to the accessible while advancing growth. With the CoinEx Alms Foundation, the barter seeks to empower all-around alms in assorted fields, accoutrement animal development, education, abjection alleviation, etc. Relying on blockchain technology, as able-bodied as its amusing ascendancy and resources, CoinEx strives to accord to all-around charity, which reflects its mission and charge and sends a admiring bulletin to us all.