Battling the data monopoly and fighting censorship with ArGo’s Permaweb

Battling the data monopoly and fighting censorship with ArGo’s Permaweb

THELOGICALINDIAN - As the apple spends added time than anytime afore online abounding of us are acceptable more acquainted of aloof how little ascendancy we absolutely accept over our abstracts and the agreeable we absolution on the internet A heavily absorbed oligarchy of industry giants now ascendancy the majority of the worlds abstracts and Amazon AWS Google and Facebook action abreast innumerable amounts of user abstracts anniversary day this presents awkward issues back it comes to aloofness and assurance with assorted incidents highlighting the dangers of centralized abstracts accumulator on such a massive scale

As blockchain technology disrupts about every bend of industry, the befalling to actualize a fairer and absolutely chargeless internet is now acceptable a reality. With the addition of the Permaweb, a decentralized, uncensored and abiding belvedere congenital on the accepted accumulator agreement Arweave, ArGo looks to action the abstracts cartel with the ability of blockchain technology.

Not alone is aegis a anguish for internet users today, but censorship is additionally acceptable added accustomed on accepted platforms that we use regularly. The appearance of Web 2.0 saw us activate to acquaint through centralized casework such as Facebook and, as amusing media in accurate became added popular, internet users accept become codicillary on agent platforms and applications to acquaint with anniversary other. 

But these applications not alone collect, abundance and monetize user data, they additionally abridge what users can and cannot see, do and say; censorship on centralized applications is added of an affair now than ever, with the advantage of political and amusing tensions about the apple at times heavily censored by platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. When a scattering of able entities authority the keys to the kingdom, they can and do exercise their ability to censor, demography abroad the abandon of users and about authoritative the internet a walled-off garden for publishers, developers and more.

Leveraging Arweave’s technology to advance user abstracts amidst miners who are incentivized to accord their bare adamantine drive space, ArGo offers an another to the centralized and absorbed architectonics in today’s internet. The belvedere utilizes a blockchain-powered, serverless app deployment belvedere that puts the ability aback into the easily of the user through decentralization. 

ArGo is one of several trailblazing projects aural the blockchain amplitude that is attractive to accomplish a cogent appulse on what has become a absorbed internet; by presenting a added secure, censor-resistant and wholly beneath advancing alternative to the centralized platforms we see today, ArGo looks against a approaching chargeless of censorship, poor abstracts aegis and the arrest of corporations and government.

Having alternate in the Arweave Fellowship Program, the ArGo aggregation afresh acclaimed the acknowledged closing of their clandestine allotment round which saw $1.3 actor in advance appear from arch blockchain funds such as X21 Digital and Master Ventures. Extended abutment came from a flurry of angel investors accompanying to Aave, Solana Labs and added arresting names.

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