How Phemex Let Its Users Ride the Solana Wave by Earning $47K In Rewards

How Phemex Let Its Users Ride the Solana Wave by Earning $47K In Rewards

THELOGICALINDIAN - On September 7th 2024 the crypto bazaar accomplished a beam blast that addled bottomward the prices of Bitcoin Ethereum and above altcoins Only Solana SOL was impervious to the selloff with a 10 accumulation on the day

In the accomplished month, Solana’s absorbing adventure to ability the top 10 cryptocurrencies by bazaar cap has been awful absorbing with a 316% rally. SOL has benefited from ecosystem advance as new user appeal surged for a fast and bargain network. Leading crypto barter Phemex has consistently been acquainted of Solana and its active ecosystem. On August 20th this year, Phemex listed Solana as allotment of the SOL/USDT atom trading pair.

Since then, addition on Solana has continued. The belvedere afresh launched a arch amid its arrangement and its better competitor, Ethereum.

The Wormhole bidirectional arch for the ERC-20 accepted to SPL badge is a decentralized band-aid bringing interconnectivity amid the two networks.

This allows developers and users to no best be aseptic to a distinct ecosystem or accept to await on third-party centralized solutions to barter tokens, barrage dApps, or arrange acute contracts.

The DeFi area accomplished a almanac of over $100 billion in absolute amount bound (TVL). Despite the actuality that Solana has apparent abundant adoption, best of that TVL is on Ethereum. Therefore, Wormhole ability aloof be the game-changer that opens up added possibilities for Solana users.

H2: Solana Taking Over NFTs? Why Ethereum Should Watch Out

In addition, Solana is bound accession itself as a hub for the non-fungible badge (NFTs) sector. More projects can advantage the ERC-20/SOL arch to aggrandize its user base.

On Ethereum, high transaction fees have finer priced out a ample allocation of people. This is why abounding accept angry to Solana to mint, buy, and advertise their admired NFT collection.

One of the projects accepting acceptance on Solana is the Degenerate Ape Academy. This NFT allows users to excellent a Degenerate Ape to accretion admission to an absolute community. This demonstrates the added amount in these assets, as users access them for article above their amount alone.

The Degenerate Ape Academy affairs to abide to aggrandize approaching utility, and the association will be a big allotment of how the activity moves forward. The Academy’s aberration system, minting possibilities, association rewards, and added ability aloof accomplish it a top NFT project that competes with the brand of CryptoPunks and EtherRocks on Ethereum.

After advertisement SOL to its platform, Phemex continues to accede the massive advance and appeal for SOL. In response, it has launched annular 2 of its  “Grab a Coin” promotion.

From September 7th to 14th, users can participate to win up to $47,000 in SOL and USD. The crypto exchange wants to accolade users based on their activity about Solana.

To accept a adventitious at the prize, users can win via SOL deposits, SOL atom trading volume, or with a bit of luck. Users artlessly charge to access Phemex’s Gleam Campaign and chase the instructions.

Winners will be appear on September 22 and prizes will be broadcast on October 13. The aboriginal award-winning basin will be won by advantageous draw, the additional by SOL drop volume, and the third by SOL atom trading volume.

The fourth award-winning basin of $5,000 will be aggregate by the aboriginal 500 participants who drop at atomic 1 SOL. Their drop additionally counts against their drop aggregate rankings for award-winning basin 2.