Panther Protocol to Support Secure and Fully Confidential Crypto Transactions

Panther Protocol to Support Secure and Fully Confidential Crypto Transactions

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency affairs accept become more accepted amid all types of users globally However one of the issues best bodies appointment with agenda currencies like Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH are that transfers are absolutely traceable and arresting to anybody All banking affairs can be apparent by the accepted accessible which makes it difficult if not absurd to advance banking privacy

It may be important to conduct arcane affairs for abounding reasons. For example, bad actors or bent organizations may become a austere blackmail to accepted consumers. Everyone should be able to accumulate their banking annal clandestine for their own assurance and potentially that of others.

There are several crypto-related initiatives that accept been launched in adjustment to action a greater akin of aegis and aloofness to users. Although these platforms are in their aboriginal stages of development, they accept apparent us that it is absolutely accessible to conduct clandestine crypto transactions.

Panther Protocol is a decentralized band-aid that offers end-to-end aloofness for any crypto-asset. It has been advised to aegis claimed banking abstracts and trading strategies for decentralized accounts (DeFi) traders and investors.

Panther Protocol has been developed to ensure that all cryptocurrency transfers are performed in a arcane manner. The Protocol oversees the minting and afire of zAssets, which are declared as “confidential clones” to the absolute Assets they represent.

zAssets are about constructed assets that are 1:1 collateralized to the absolute assets they represent and are maintained in a defended vault. zAssets may be baffled confidentially via the Panther arrangement for use in DeFi, in a absolutely composable manner.

Panther Agreement leverages game-theoretic bound to anxiously amount the aloofness account of the network. At first, the agreement will be deployed on the Ethereum (ETH) arrangement with cross-chain casework advancing onstream. During Q1 2022, Panther will acquaint Version 1 of a aloofness cross-chain DEX (decentralized or non-custodial exchange) on a Layer-2 solution.

Panther Protocol’s founders are Oliver Gale, a acclaimed administrator and accomplished technologist; and Dr. Anish Mohammed, a cryptographer and ZK proofs expert.

Although blockchain or broadcast balance technology (DLT) is advised a above addition and aims to ensure aloofness to some extent, individuals or organizations with avant-garde accoutrement and ability accept created means to assay blockchain abstracts and access abundant insights from their investigations.

This can potentially become a austere affair because abounding DeFi-related affairs accommodate awful acute banking details, and acceptable blockchain or DLT platforms aren’t able to ensure absolutely arcane armamentarium transfers.

There accept been several attempts at acclamation aloofness (or abridgement thereof) issues on blockchain networks, however, they’ve not been able to advance aloofness for alone users or ample enterprises.

Since this is a cogent problem, the Panther Protocol aggregation absitively to actualize a applicable band-aid that would ensure complete banking privacy.

Panther Agreement has been developed with the ambition of alms complete aloofness back accustomed out banking transactions. The agreement uses tokens in a awful adult arrangement that offers users abounding ascendancy over how they can admission and administer their claimed data.

Currently, the Panther Protocol aggregation is alms a greater akin of aegis back compared to best added solutions in the market. However, they’ve fabricated the accommodation to accession their standards alike college so that end-users get the best solutions. As explained, the aggregation has created “zAssets”, which serve as a 1-to-1 representation of a accurate badge in a arcane system.

The action of creating zAssets aims to ensure abounding aloofness by accumulation assorted layers of aegis in adjustment to absorber users’ acute information.

zAssets accept been developed so that they can become the gold accepted of the crypto industry. The platform’s developers appetite to advance abounding aloofness of affairs and additionally intend to aegis users from cybersecurity threats.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay