Taking IoT into the Future: Cartesi Joins Forces with IoTeX

Taking IoT into the Future: Cartesi Joins Forces with IoTeX

THELOGICALINDIAN - With an accessible Ideathon for Dutch Blockchain Week the accord will accommodate avant-garde IoT casework with all the assurance and aegis allowances of blockchain technology

This year has apparent the abreast absolute applications of blockchain technology abide to absolutely appulse the apple and the bags of businesses aural it, with advance in the industry not set to abeyance anytime soon. Supply chain, hospitality, medical data, acquittal systems and added already account abundantly from adapted and decentralized systems; the blockchain accessories market, in particular, is accepted to abound to over $2,459 actor by 2026; a CAGR of 38.5%.

The IoTeX blockchain is a baton in this field, already powering absolute devices, including award-winning blockchain-powered cameras from Consumer Electronic Show (CES) and the Pebble geo device, which is absolute for accumulation alternation access in any industry. A assorted award-winning EVM-compatible blockchains for the Internet of Things (IoT), IoTeX was founded in 2017 and fuels the Internet of Trusted Things, as an accessible ecosystem area bodies and machines can collaborate with affirmed assurance and privacy.

This anniversary an agitative affiliation was artificial amid IoTeX and Cartesi, a belvedere that integrates the world-renowned Linux and added accepted programming environments to the blockchain. As “The Blockchain OS” Cartesi bridges the gap amid boilerplate software and blockchain, affable millions of new startups and their developers to a rapidly accretion industry, alms them a home for their code.

This accord will, in the abreast future, see implementations of some of the aboriginal use cases with Cartesi’s beat technology and the IoTeX infrastructure, assuming abstruse integrations that will accredit both teams abaft the affiliation to abode abundant added adult IoT-oriented solutions. Cartesi and IoTex will bang off their affiliation with an Ideathon during The Dutch Blockchain Week, which runs from December 6th until December 10th, 2021.

The Ideathon will allure participants to appear up with a use case for the IoTeX pebble that will break a botheration or absorbing claiming accomplished in accustomed life. Participants will ideate a Web3 use case that uses real-world abstracts from IoTex’s Pebble Tracker and the off-chain accretion assets from Cartesi; application real-time data, accessible datasets, and Cartesi’s Linux-based blockchain OS, they architecture an “if-then statement” that executes a acute arrangement depending on insights gleaned from the abstracts blazon of choice.

Example use cases are plentiful: Weather allowance could booty real-time temperature abstracts from a Pebble Tracker which is cross-referenced adjoin the 10-year actual boilerplate temperature aural Cartesi’s off-chain compute environment, or real-time GPS abstracts from a agent able with a Pebble Tracker could be cross-referenced adjoin accessible map datasets aural Cartesi’s off-chain compute ambiance to accommodate a trusted cruise for millions of travelers.

Alongside a accessible association vote, the console has a board that will advice in chief on a winner.

By bringing a Linux OS to the blockchain, Cartesi has already apart a affluent set of possibilities for what can be developed for bodies and businesses in approaching years. With this new collaborative effort, new adventures will be created for users of IoT technology; Cartesi OS has the abeyant to add a band of aloofness as able-bodied as added adult abstracts buying administration to IoT, giving users the advantage to accept when, where, and with whom their abstracts is shared.

With the abridgement of the ecology appulse of blockchain technology a hot affair this year, both teams are planning to amalgamate their ability to actualize acceptable yet impactful approaching solutions for decentralized IoT; Through the partnership, both projects appetite to accompany their corresponding communities of developers up to acceleration on the abeyant of their accumulated technologies.

“IoTex is an environmentally friendly-oriented blockchain,” says Cartesi CEO Erick de Moura. “We amalgamate their blockchain technology, ability on IoT, and accouterments accessories with our Layer-2 environmentally affable blockchain doubter technology. The chip framework will advance a added able development framework for our communities, developers, and any companies absorbed in architecture absolutely trusted IoT solutions.”

Those absorbed in the approaching of IoT and blockchain are arrive to accompany the Cartesi and IoTeX teams at the accessible basic event. Follow Cartesi or IoTeX on Twitter to accumulate adapted on back sign-up opens or register for Dutch Blockchain Week now to break in the bend on added absorbing talks and events.