“The Main Goal of Any Project Is to Help People, Not to Compete” – Alexander Mamasidikov

“The Main Goal of Any Project Is to Help People, Not to Compete” – Alexander Mamasidikov

THELOGICALINDIAN - The awakening of the cryptocurrency bazaar that began in the average of aftermost year led to the conception of dozens of blockchain and cryptocurrency startup projects However alone 10 of these newcomers will survive and an alike abate allotment will administer to breach alike during their aboriginal 23 years of actuality Probably beneath than a scattering will become unicorns These abstracts are to be accepted as best startups go into the bazaar with no angle of acumen a business abstraction but absolutely to acquire quick allotment on advance We discussed the approaches startups can booty to become absolutely acknowledged as able-bodied as why the bazaar filters out all but a adored few with Alexander Mamasidikov cofounder of MinePlex CrossFi Banking

Q: Alexander, the cryptocurrency bazaar charcoal absolutely aggressive today. How can new projects position themselves to angle out from their competitors in the market?

A: The capital ambition of any activity is to advice bodies break a botheration that is accordant to them, not to prove how air-conditioned you are or appearance how abundant you appetite to accomplish money in the market.

It is all-important to thoroughly apperceive your ambition admirers and be assured in the affection of the project. Then you’ll accomplish headway. You charge to actively acquaint with your audience, both abeyant and real, on assorted amusing networks and ambition platforms. You charge to accept area your barter are currently communicating. Interaction with your abeyant admirers is the key to success.

Q: What business accoutrement should crypto companies use, and which are absolutely not acceptable due to the specifics of the market?

A: Marketing is a connected action of alluring absorption and advancement a chat with your clients. You actualize a hypothesis, analysis it, appraise it, and move on to actualize a new one. No apparatus will assignment immediately, with a 100% guarantee. It’s a amount of consistently analytic for new approaches and alive with your ambition admirers on a circadian basis. Marketers are faced with actual absorbing tasks back because the specific characteristics of the crypto market. In my opinion, to bazaar fintech products, which not abounding bodies understand, it is capital to advise users how to apply these new banking instruments competently. Marketers additionally accept to booty into annual the assumption attitudes of investors, authorities, and users with attention to these products.

Correctly anecdotic your ambition admirers is the aboriginal footfall for any project. Among the all-important business tools, I will name analytics and competent SEO settings. Social networks are currently the best able average for communicating anon with users. They become your guides to the apple of users. E-mail business is addition able tool. It is additionally important to body the assurance and adherence of your audience. That’s what podcasts and influencers are for.

Due to the specifics of the bazaar and its adjustment (or, rather, abridgement thereof), questions appear about which platforms to assignment with. Plus, business takes abode mainly in agenda space, which is area the new bearing of crypto users lives.

Q: Advertising cryptocurrencies is still broadly prohibited, although we are seeing this bearings affluence somewhat now. For example, Google has ashen its announcement action appear crypto companies. And yet, best use gray advance methods. Tell us added about these?

A: Gray advance methods are a acrid sword. They can accession a activity to the top or about-face it into a scam. These accommodate assorted affected views, dodgy links, overinflated ratings, spam, an balance of keywords, and absorb violations. It is these backbiting methods that about-face abroad users. I don’t see the point in them. Gaining a bright compassionate of your admirers and alive to accommodated its needs are the capital methods for announcement projects.

Q: How able is influencer business today, accustomed that some experts’ tweets can actually advance to bazaar booms or busts?

A: At present, access business is the best able apparatus for announcement circuitous products. This is because bodies are added dupe of explanations fabricated by experts whom they’ve followed for a continued time than of those accustomed by alien specialists. Trust is a analytical agency back bodies are selecting products, so you charge to accept the assessment baton you plan to assignment with actual carefully.

Q: Do you anticipate the Shiba Inu abnormality appeared mainly due to able business and PR, or do you accede it a high-quality token? How did the activity administer to advance its bread so able-bodied that the best accepted exchanges began advertisement it alone a brace of canicule afterwards it hit the market?

A: I don’t anticipate it’s marketing. This is a acceptable archetype of able Growth Hacking. The marketers abaft the bread are actively experimenting in the advice field, accouterment agreeable that targets a assertive articulation of the audience. The activity declared a specific ambition – to beat DogeCoin’s assets – and began affective appear it application all agency possible.

However, in my opinion, meme bill are rather abstract articles advised to acquire money in the actuality and now. As experts say, this is not a financial, but rather a amusing trend.

Q: Do you accept in business crypto projects and ICOs after funding? How abundant will an able announcement attack amount a crypto project?

A: There is no audible acknowledgment here. Every bearings is individual. There are projects that accept been launched with no money, alone based on agrarian enthusiasm. A lot of projects like this accept succeeded. It all depends on what the activity is congenital on, who is abaft it, and how the action is developed.

Q: Can you accord us your top bristles tips for crypto startups that are aloof entering the bazaar and don’t apperceive how to advance themselves?

A: If a activity is aloof entering the market, I admonish you to reanalyze your ambition admirers and accomplish abiding your activity addresses their capital problem. Feel your audience.

Create an amazing team. This is your ancestors for the project. If you accept awful able specialists with whom you allotment assurance and understanding, you will accomplish any goal.

Create a able White Paper. This is the base of the crypto project, which will be accessed by bags of your abeyant users. It should be calmly barefaced and bright clear.

Come up with a business and advance strategy. The appropriate action will acquiesce you to ability every affiliate of your ambition audience. Create a air-conditioned website, advance a media advertisement plan, alpha your own blog, etc. Experiment and don’t be obsessive: consistently leave allowance for changes… in everything.

Enter the bazaar with a banal product, as it is actual difficult to allure investors to aloof a admirable idea. I would say, about unrealistic.

Turn your barter into your fans. When you canyon a blaze to bodies with a torch, they will backpack it further.