An Interview With Lennix Lai on OKEx’ Role in Promoting Financial Inclusion

An Interview With Lennix Lai on OKEx’ Role in Promoting Financial Inclusion

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lennix Lai the Director of Banking Markets at OKEx afresh acquired the absorption of the all-around banking and cryptocurrency association by casting the abstraction of his aggregation alive with governments and added institutions to annihilate unbankedness The area and timing of his speeches in this attention is of absolute accent as Lai batten at breadth about blockchain technology and how it could advice in announcement banking admittance while accessory highprofile contest forth the sidelines of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at Davos

We had a few questions for Lai, to accept added about his vision, and this is what he had to say.

NewsBTC: The botheration of actuality unbanked has been discussed by abounding afore you, and there accept additionally been few initiatives taken in this regard. What according to you is the acumen for the abortion of such programs to ensure anybody has admission to banking services?

Lennix Lai (L): In one chat – Trust.

The absence of basal cyberbanking ability would accord the unbanked a adamantine time to assurance a cyberbanking institution. Previous attempts focused on removing the barrier of admission to cyberbanking via abstruse means, whilst the aftermost afar of cyberbanking admittance is the cerebral trust. Blockchain ability be a abeyant acknowledgment to this.

NewsBTC: What do you anticipate needs to be done to accomplish 100% banking admittance in the world?

L: We charge a “bank” that operates beyond borders, in assorted jurisdictions acclamation the basal demands of the unbanked – payment, remittances, accumulator of amount in a defended manner. We accept with the acceptance on adaptable technology and internet,  able affiliation with state-backed crypto and blockchain, anybody with a buzz can admission basal cyberbanking casework in a actual cost-efficient manner

NewsBTC: In a contempo event, you mentioned that OKEx can advice abode “Unbankedness”. What can OKEx accompany to the table?

L: OKEx believes the amount capacity of next-gen banking admittance are the acceptance of stablecoin, basal blockchain technology and a fair and cellophane barter market. We created a absolutely adapted stablecoin USDK; the barrage of OKchain is on the way; and we are now one of the better crypto exchanges in the apple accustomed by above institutions.

NewsBTC: Are there any initiatives already in abode at OKEx to advice the unbanked?

L: Currently we are architecture some pilot casework with bounded ally on USDK to be acclimated as a adjustment band for cantankerous bound transaction. We are attractive to aggrandize the affiliation with aforementioned thoughts too.

Another above claiming banks face back aggravating to serve the unbanked is that abounding of them do not accept a bright ID (no bearing affidavit or badge registration) to amuse the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) checks. With growing numbers of endorsement from all-around regulators, blockchain can abetment cyberbanking institutions to abridge their KYC practices by giving individuals their own agenda identities to use for banking, acreage rights, etc. Thus the unbanked can accomplish and accept affairs with blockchain, remittances to adopted countries will additionally be accessible and abundant added efficient.

NewsBTC: Can you acquaint us about your eyes of “Inclusive Sustainable Development”?

L: To cantankerous one of the better hurdles in animal wellbeing, abounding appropriate that blockchain technology can accomplish a aberration in the apple by allowance those larboard abaft by the acceptable cyberbanking area to accretion admission to cyberbanking casework that could addition their active standards, and essentially lower the operational costs to serve areas that acceptable cyberbanking cannot cover. With such vision, OKEx should not be alive abandoned like an island, we appetite the association and bazaar players to accompany easily in architecture a bazaar that is cyberbanking inclusive, yet mutually benign to the acceptable cyberbanking system. We would adulation to footfall advanced as a avant-garde in arresting such a balance.

NewsBTC: Does OKEx accept any amusing initiatives already in abode or in the pipeline? Can you amuse acquaint us added about them, and how bodies are/will account from it?

L: Although there is not yet a specific amusing action already in place. Here at OKEx, we are committed to bringing a able-bodied and accurate ambiance to baby to crypto users; alive on the accouterments and software to appoint with and accomplish the best acquiescence convenance in the industry. In 2024, OKEx will abide its accomplishment on developing stablecoin, OKEx wallet and additionally derivatives products. We accept blockchain can accomplish an across-the-board acceptable development as able-bodied as banking admittance for all, banked and unbanked.

NewsBTC: Meanwhile, as the all-around abridgement stares at a slowdown, do you anticipate agenda assets can adviser the apple out of this boxy phase? How will banking admittance abode the accepted situation?

L: I accept agenda assets could adverse the all-around bread-and-butter slowdown. EY analysis demonstrates abundant bread-and-butter benefits, decidedly for arising economies, from active greater banking inclusion. Banking admittance can addition GDP by up to 14% in ample developing economies such as India and up to 30% in borderland markets such as Kenya. With agenda assets and blockchain arrest the aftermost barrier, all-around bread-and-butter advance can be abundant added optimistic

NewsBTC: It is axiomatic that your accord in contest at Davos has been successful. What are your key takeaways from the discussions you had there? How was the accepted accession to your ideas?

L: The above takeaway in Davos is the abruptness of the cardinal of crypto discussions in a appointment that has historically been absorption on the all-around economy. It’s allegorical to me that blockchain and crypto ability be the abutting advance agitator for the apple economy.