Interview: AXEL Allows Users to Take Control of Their Data – Jeremy Forsberg, CMO & VP

Interview: AXEL Allows Users to Take Control of Their Data – Jeremy Forsberg, CMO & VP

THELOGICALINDIAN - In our latest account Jeremy Forsberg the CMO VP at AXEL explains what they accept set out to accomplish and how their activity is activity to empower people

Q: What is AXEL? Can you acquaint us added about it?

A: AXEL is a broadcast ecosystem that allows you to affix your accessories for admission to your agreeable and files, after accepting to abundance them in the cloud.  AXEL was launched from our mission to accord bodies aback ascendancy of their abstracts and privacy.  We accustomed aboriginal on that bodies were affected to accord up ascendancy over their agreeable and data, in adjustment to abundance them by application a third party. But, if they capital to advance ascendancy over their aloofness and abstracts – they would accept to cede the convenience.

We initially congenital a one-of-a-kind accouterments to accommodate a claimed cloud, but we took it a footfall added to bear alike greater artlessness by architecture out an app ecosystem, that connects all of your accessories and enables you to actualize your own claimed billow ecosystem.

We put users’ aloofness at the affection of our technology development. We accept a patented technology, that includes articulation cessation and clandestine allotment functionality. Now, we’re activity into our abutting appearance by acceptance users to absolutely monetize their files and data, with accumulator by application our blockchain technology.

Q: Before AXEL, the aggregation was accepted as STOAMIGO. Would you like to allotment the account abaft this shift?

A: StoAmigo came out of our appetite to accord bodies ascendancy over their data.  Having congenital a patented broadcast accumulator system, we capital to not alone accord bodies ultimate ascendancy over area they stored their content, data, and files, but to additionally accredit them to administer and ascendancy what they could do with this content.

StoAmigo artlessly meant accumulator friend.  We created a trusted belvedere that is accessible to use. AXEL stands for Autonomous EXchange via Entrusted Ledger.  We’re demography this assurance to the abutting akin by acknowledging our users to allotment and monetize their agreeable and data, as able-bodied as ensuring the candor of their alternation of aegis that goes above area it is stored.  We’re evolving our technology and vision, but our aesthetics stays the same. Our amount action has consistently been to body a trusted ecosystem – body assurance amid users in a accurate peer-to-peer economy, and body assurance with agreeable creators so that they accept aplomb in the aegis of their data.

Q: Can you acquaint us added about patented technology that is actuality acclimated in AXEL?

A: As innovators in technology, bookish acreage is acutely important, which is why we’ve filed for assorted patents.  We currently authority 6 patents and accept 11 awaiting on our absolute broadcast accumulator and administration ecosystem. We’ve additionally filed addition 2 patents that chronicle to our AXEL blockchain technology.

The patents awning broadcast accumulator protocols, multi-factor affidavit to assure end-to-end administration and media streaming.  We developed our technology to be one-of-a-kind, and we’re admiring that millions of users accept already apparent the amount in our applications.

We’re appreciative that we’ve been able to put these account into convenance by architecture this technology that’s actuality acclimated every day by our legions of users.  They actually adulation it, and it shows with a college than boilerplate 4.4-star appraisement in the Google Play Abundance and an alike college appraisement in the app store.

Q: Where does blockchain appear into the picture, and how is it activity to account the stakeholders/users on the platform?

A: We’ve been at the beginning of the decentralized and broadcast systems game, back we launched the company.  We accept in it, accept congenital and abide to body the technology for it, so blockchain has been a accustomed change for our absolute technology platform.

We looked about at altered protocols but didn’t appetite to accept to fit our eyes into addition else’s technology.  The blockchain is too important of a technology, and the abeyant to absolutely accord bodies ascendancy over their abstracts is too abundant to not assassinate this properly, so we’ve been demography our time and alive on our own technology to actualize article that will be agitative in the short-term, and scalable over the long-term.

We’re architecture a technology with the axiological attempt that we’ve had back the actual alpha –privacy aegis and ascendancy over users’ data.  Our activity utilizes both clandestine and accessible alternation components, to ensure the candor and assurance in the affairs while acceptance users to ensure aloofness over their abstracts and content. It will be able-bodied and fast and will actualize a able ambiance for bodies to barter agenda assets and abstracts calmly and securely.

Q: How do you analyze AXEL with added agnate projects that are entering the market?

A: There absolutely won’t be annihilation similar! In all seriousness, we’re architecture for the simple actuality that annihilation we researched has akin our vision.  There are a lot of absurd blockchain and decentralized appliance projects, but we bare article that complemented, not competed with our own technology.

The broadcast arrangement foundation abaft our technology could be compared with things like FileCoin, but we’re absolutely architecture a bespoke agreement with our absolute technology that’s absolute and doesn’t await on addition else’s protocol.

Our AXEL Barter additionally takes the barter abstraction and provides a radically altered access by creating a multi-layered barter of agenda assets, content, data, accumulator and added that bridges broadcast systems with transactional actions.  We will empower users and agreeable creators globally, so they are the ones to ascendancy and administer how and on what agreement they can advertise and barter their agenda appurtenances and services.

We’re developing a different ad hoc affidavit of aegis accord that absolutely focuses on the aegis of abstracts and agenda assets, to assure area it’s kept and how it’s transacted.  With solid aloofness features, this is a different access to ensuring bodies can administer area their abstracts and agenda assets are kept, and what happens back it’s aggregate or sold.  It’s acclamation the abiding amount of abstracts and agenda assets. Protecting people’s privacy, bookish property, and their agenda identity.

Q: Tell us added about the AXEL team.

A: We’re based in Las Vegas, and accept aggregation associates above North America, Europe, and Asia. We accept a 100 aggregation and growing, of technology professionals with a advanced ambit of ability above abounding disciplines. Our administration aggregation has auspiciously congenital and launched abounding companies over the years, and we’re above aflame for our latest endeavor.

Q: What can we apprehend from AXEL in the advancing days? Any launches in the pipeline?

A: We accept the Airdrop alive and our AXEL Pay Beta has been launched with fiat. AXEL Pay is the aboriginal footfall against the AXEL Exchange and approaching developments on the platform.  We appetite to assignment with our users, agreeable creators and developers to body article that is admired and has real, accustomed utility.

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