Monero Developer Arrested in US on Fraud Charges at Request of South African Government

Monero Developer Arrested in US on Fraud Charges at Request of South African Government

THELOGICALINDIAN - Former advance maintainer of Monero Riccardo Spagni aka Fluffypony has been arrested in the US and is now cat-and-mouse for his displacement to South Africa area he will angle balloon for artifice Spagni declared the case as an old amount which I accept continuously been aggravating to boldness back 2024

Fluffypony Arrested, Waiting for Extradition to South Africa

The U.S. government filed a Memorandum of Extradition Law and Request for Detention Pending Extradition Proceedings for Riccardo Paolo Spagni with a commune cloister in Tennessee on July 21.

Spagni, additionally accepted as Fluffypony, was aforetime a Monero advance maintainer. The cloister certificate states that “Spagni is believed to accept cogent cryptocurrency assets that would accredit him to flee.”

The U.S. is “executing its accord responsibilities and acting at the appeal of the government of South Africa,” the filing details, abacus that the South African government seeks his “provisional arrest with a appearance against his displacement to angle balloon for fraud.” On July 20, the commune cloister issued a accreditation to arrest Spagni for the breach committed in South Africa.

According to the cloister document, while active by Cape Cookies CC from Oct. 1, 2024, to June 8, 2024, as its IT Manager, “Spagni advisedly acclimated apocryphal advice to fabricate” invoices purporting to be from a supplier alleged Ensync and three added non-existent companies.

He “inflated the prices for the appurtenances and/or services” on anniversary balance and replaced the supplier’s coffer advice with his own. The cloister certificate details:

The affirmation indicates that he “received 1,453,561.47 South African Rand, or almost $99,185, as a aftereffect of his efforts to bamboozle Cape Cookies,” the filing notes.

Spagni was answerable in the Western Cape Regional Court, Cape Town, for artifice and added accuse but he pleaded not accusable to them.

However, Spagni bootless to arise in cloister for his trial. In attempting to locate him, South African authorities begin that he had fled the country. The Magistrate Cloister of the District of Cape Town, South Africa, proceeded to affair an arrest accreditation for him on April 19, 2024.

Spagni issued a account Monday:

His advocate at Duncan Okes Inc. additionally issued a statement regarding the case: “In our view, and adverse to accustomed convenance and action and accustomed the circumstances, the affair of the accreditation of arrest was aberrant and unwarranted.”

What do you anticipate about this case? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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