Interview: CEO Jay Hao on OKEx DeFi Plans and COMP Token Listing

Interview: CEO Jay Hao on OKEx DeFi Plans and COMP Token Listing

THELOGICALINDIAN - OKEx is accepted for its connected addition and addition of new appearance One of the latest developments is the advertisement of the Compound projects COMP badge which is additionally accessible for Spot trading Margin Trading and Savings and Perpetual Swap Trading

In a contempo interview, CEO of OKEx Jay Hao explained how the Compound agreement is revolutionizing DeFi, and what it ability beggarly to OKEx’s eyes of ensuring admission to banking casework for all with the advice of blockchain technology.

Q: OKEx has been abacus new tokens at an accelerated pace, with the contempo one actuality COMP. Can you acquaint us added about the alternative belief for advertisement new tokens on the platform?

A: OKEx has been afterward the advance of the DeFi amplitude for a continued time and advertisement tokens that we accept action high-quality solutions and accommodate amount and clamminess to our users, such as Maker DAO, and COMP. We conduct a abounding appraisal advanced to appraise a project’s user abject and community, its potential, accomplished performance, development activity, acknowledged status, etc. Now that we accept chip FCAS assimilate our platform, our users can additionally account from blockage the bloom of the crypto assets we account afore authoritative trading decisions. Due activity is basic afore investing.

Q: What fabricated OKEx adjudge on advertisement Compound’s babyminding badge COMP?

A: We’re aflame about our COMP advertisement as our users had been allurement for it and it’s absolutely assuming a lot of affiance appropriate now as the better belvedere in the DeFi space. We accept that DeFi will abide to be a key breadth for the blow of 2024 and we consistently appetite our artefact alms to reflect what users appetite and that we’re befitting the clip with the best innovations in the space.

Q: The Compound agreement seems to be a advertiser in the DeFi space. Is OKEx planning to advantage it to accredit DeFi for masses?

A: Although some bodies accept that centralized exchanges and DeFi are incompatible, we accept that there is absolutely a abode for both. We are blessed to abutment Compound’s advance and account its babyminding token. OKEx already has a brand of our own in the DeFi breadth which is always expanding. We accept OKChain which allows developers to body decentralized apps, we accept OKEx DEX, and C2C trading and loaning. We accept that all the players in the amplitude can advice anniversary added and coact to be better.

DeFi basement is still not absolutely there yet and they charge centralized exchanges to advice them. DForce, for example, accepted as the Chinese adaptation of COMP, was afraid in April and about USD $25 actor of cryptocurrency was baseborn by hackers, and the users’ assets on the belvedere were instantly displace to zero. DForce was able to block the hackers and restore the funds, acknowledgment to the advice of boilerplate exchanges.

Q: How is OKEx activity to accomplish its eyes to #FinanceAll?

A: We are consistently alive against that goal. We accept that one ample way will be through DeFi articles and services, such as our C2C trading feature, our collaborations with Paxful, the arch peer-to-peer Bitcoin bazaar abode which has over 300 acquittal methods accessible for bodies to buy BTC, and the barrage of our P2P belvedere in India. These will accommodate an important authorization on-ramp for OKEx and acquiesce users to admission the cryptocurrency ecosystem added calmly and accretion admission to adult trading tools, staking, and earning.

It will booty some time, but we are already seeing the trend and the charge for bodies who are underserviced by the acceptable banking arrangement to accretion admission to casework that acquiesce them to participate in their bounded economies. We are consistently innovating at OKEx and through accord and innovation, we will ability our goals. OKChain will additionally be a ample enabler for wide-scale bartering dapps and DeFi articles added acceptable acceptance and we additionally absolutely abutment Ethereum’s alteration to ETH 2.0 with OKPool. We accept all these things will advance the abutting beachcomber of crypto adoption.

Q: What are the added projects that OKEx is planning to coact with to advance DeFi?

A: We will abide to account the tokens that appearance the best abeyant and coact with added ally on the Topaz network. We are additionally consistently accretion our arrangement of cardinal ally and will abide to do so to ensure that we are at the beginning of the space.

Q: Do you accept any thoughts on the timeframe for the boundless acceptance of DeFi beyond the world?

A: I accept that the communicable will advance the move against DeFi to a assertive extent. Although, we accept to bethink not to run afore we can walk. PoW blockchains artlessly are not fast abundant to handle accumulation affairs and we apprehend ETH 2.0 to appear this year but that will additionally be a bit-by-bit rollout. There is still added apprenticeship bare on the amplitude in general, an advance in technology, oracles, acute contracts, TPS, interoperability… I don’t accept a clear ball, but I wouldn’t apprehend to see boundless acceptance apparently for at atomic addition bristles to 10 years.

It should be noted, as well, that aloof as I see a abode for centralized exchanges, I additionally accept that DeFi can co-exist with the acceptable banking system. I accept that it will force it to be bigger and abolish abounding of its inefficiencies, but I don’t anticipate that DeFi will abolish the accepted system.

Q: On a hardly altered topic, OKEx has adapted its skewAnalytics dashboard with new charts. Are there any new affection additions to the dashboard we can apprehend in the advancing days?

A: There are added archive and appearance to be added anon and we are putting calm a adviser that explains to traders how to adapt and assay the archive so that they can accomplish bigger trading decisions. We feel that, often, the archive are advised for pro traders but that absolutely if bodies accept how to adapt them, they can be advantageous for accustomed traders as well.

Q: Please feel chargeless to accurate any added thoughts you ability accept on OKEx, blockchain and DeFi.

OKEx durably believes that we will advice abound the amplitude through collaboration. Oftentimes, projects, companies, tokens, ideas, are alveolate adjoin anniversary added as a competition. But, in reality, we all appetite to ability the masses and onboard added bodies to crypto. Instead of angry adjoin anniversary other, we should be allowance to accomplish the amplitude a austere adversary on the all-around stage. There is a abode for CeFi, DeFi, accessible blockchains, permissioned blockchains, retail traders, institutions, we charge all of that to absolutely ability our abounding abeyant and #FinanceAll.