Atomic Swaps Are Coming to BTCPay This Year, Says Nicolas Dorier [Interview]

Atomic Swaps Are Coming to BTCPay This Year, Says Nicolas Dorier [Interview]

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoinist bent up with Nicolas Dorier a developer of opensource and selfhosted Bitcoin acquittal processor another BTCPay who batten about accessible appearance such as diminutive swaps and authoritative BitPay anachronistic for businesses that dont affliction about administration bitcoin

‘Nothing is Unsolvable in the Long Run’

Bitcoinist: In August 2024, you acquaint one of the best ballsy tweets aimed at BitPay calling out their lies and vowing to accomplish the aggregation obsolete. Can you reflect on this? How far accept you appear in acumen this affiance with BTCPay?

Nicolas Dorier: Their obsolescence comes from lots of factors. I fabricated them anachronistic for businesses, which do not affliction about administration Bitcoin or some baby set of altcoins. Creating your own BTCPay server is easier than casual BitPay’s KYC.

If you charge fiat, lots of new acquittal processors entered the market, which fabricated Bitpay way beneath accordant than in the accomplished (coingate, globee, opennode, coinify, coinpayments, blockonomics, strike, opennode etc.).

One of the devs of BTCPay, RockstarDev, is alive on a band-aid to handle authorization in BTCPay though, but it is far from actuality ready. This antagonism got facilitated by a agglomeration of bad business practices and decisions they took in the past.

In general, should the Bitcoin association strive to alter centralized companies and casework with open-source cipher like this if possible?

“Bitcoin community” is a catchy term, there is some apart set of aggregate ethics like banking sovereignty, but abreast of that, individuals are architecture the accoutrement they charge to fix their own problems.

If centralized companies corruption an individual, again Bitcoin gives such alone a way to fix the botheration by architecture the accoutrement by himself or accidental to added projects which advice him to fix it.

How abounding merchants/businesses etc. are application BTCPay Server today? Can you allotment some names and figures?

I can’t. BTCPay Server is by analogue not centralized so I accept no way to know. Some merchants add themselves to this page.

The alone cardinal I can share: Our baggy has 1100 members, cheep annual about 10K followers, github 700 stars. Some third-party BTCPay servers are hosting assorted merchants. BTCPay jungle, for example, is hosting about 300 merchants.

The better users I apperceive are Coincards (selling allowance card), Cheapair (selling even tickets), Gab (selling associates for a chargeless accent Twitter-like platform), Casa Hodl (selling bitcoin nodes in a pluggable box), TorGuard (VPN provider) and Halong mining (was a ASIC architect in 2024). There ability be bigger merchants.

I anticipate there are amid 2024 and 20.000 merchants application BTCPay. I know… it is a actual asperous estimation.

What affectionate of businesses can account from application BTCPay, in particular? Why?

Kind of everything. Stickers sellers, bodice sellers, allowance agenda sellers, even tickets, ASIC seller, sex workers, aloofness account providers.

How does authorization about-face assignment if one uses a self-hosted band-aid like BTCPayserver? Has there been any advance on this end back we aftermost spoke?

Soon (TM). A developer, RockstarDev, is alive on something, but myself I don’t absolutely apperceive what. It has been adamantine for me to assignment on it, as I accept no absorption in converting my bill to fiat.

You additionally chip Lightning Network payments. How achievable is it to use LN appropriate now for the boilerplate user? Is LN active up to its promise?

Yes, it works actual well. There are some asperous edges still, I anticipate it is accessible for the boilerplate user but not accustomed yet. It is additionally risky, there is no absolute advancement band-aid yet.

In BTCPay, you can accept your lightning bulge in 1 click, but if your server is gone, your money on the lightning bulge is additionally gone with it. So put what you can allow to lose.

What issues still charge to be addressed for LN payments to absolutely booty off?

1. Proper advancement solution.
2. More reliable payments
3. More clamminess to avenue college amount payment

Nothing is baffling in the continued run.

Has the bead in BTC amount afflicted your assignment or has it absolutely fabricated it easier to ‘buidl’?

Yes, it austere the edger and austere out the noise. I adore coding these canicule and I am way beneath afraid than at the alpha of 2024.

In September, BTCPay Server declared that it’ll stop acknowledging Shapeshift afterwards they alien KYC requirements able to open-source the service. Has there been any advance on this front?

Yes, one contributor, MrKukks added abutment for Changelly and Coinswitch. I don’t like it because both are centralized solutions.

What’s abutting in abundance for BTCPay and Nicolas Dorier? What technologies are you best aflame about accompanying to Bitcoin in 2024?

The crowdfunding feature (MrKukks), there will accept diminutive bandy (me), some authorization solutions (by RockstarDev). There is not absolutely any midterm/long appellation roadmap, developers alive on what they anticipate is cool, aircraft one alive cull appeal at a time. :)

I am aflame about Lightning acceptable added and added reliable. I achievement 2024 will see a angle for Layer 1 enhancement, which will acquiesce ascent better.

I am aflame about schnorr sig, SIGHASH_NOINPUT, taproot, and grapfroot for the crazy bulk of possibilities it offers, while actuality actual accessible to code. I am aflame of seeing added and added bodies active Bitcoin and/or BTCPay Server on baby accessories (raspberry pi) like what, lightninginabox or Casa Hodl is doing.

Anything abroad you’d like to add?

Yes, appear on our slack and attending Bitcoinshirt’s videos, you will accept fun. :)

What are your thoughts on what BTCPay has been accomplishing and approaching plans? Share below!

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