AWS on Blockchain Reluctance: ‘We Don’t Build Technology Because We Think the Technology is Cool’
jinia shawdagor

AWS on Blockchain Reluctance: ‘We Don’t Build Technology Because We Think the Technology is Cool’

THELOGICALINDIAN - At a time back abounding companies are hasty to embrace blockchain technology Amazon Web Services AWS has adopted a added alert attractive but not affecting approach

At this year’s AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, CEO Andy Jassy fabricated bright AWS’ attitude on the accepted technology, cogent journalists that while they accept “a lot of barter and ally who either body blockchains on top of AWS or are architecture casework to use blockchain on top of AWS,” they accept no affairs to accommodate the technology themselves anytime soon.

Jassy stated:

AWS CEO Andy Jassy

While the billow casework platform, which boasts such aerial contour barter as the NFL, Time Warner, and the Walt Disney Company, isn’t necessarily afraid to rolling out a blockchain artefact at some point, AWS says that isn’t a charge for it at this time.

As far as Jassy is concerned, there aren’t abounding use cases for blockchain technology above the broadcast ledger. He noted that best of the use cases for which their barter are axis to blockchain technology can already be apparent application added technologies – best of which AWS already has aural its absolute capabilities.

Competitors Rush in Where AWS Won't (Yet) Tread

AWS has abounding competitors in the billow casework amplitude and abounding of those competitors, including IBM and Microsoft, are added optimistic about blockchain technology and broadcast ledgers.

This year, Microsoft formed out Coco, a framework advised to facilitate blockchain acceptance by adapting absolute blockchain protocols or by creating absolutely new protocols, and their Azure Blockchain service, a BaaS (blockchain as a service) that enables businesses to bound and calmly configure and arrange a blockchain network.

IBM additionally launched their own BaaS, IBM Blockchain, which “empowers businesses to digitize transaction workflow through a awful secured, shared, and replicated ledger.” In addition, they accept abutting The Hyperledger Project in an accomplishment to advice beforehand cross-industry blockchain technology.

The blockchain ecosystem has accustomed a lot of advertising in contempo months for its unparalleled solutions beyond several industries, including business, health, insurance, accumulation chain, bogus intelligence, and abounding others. Just like any new technology, the aboriginal acceptance is actual important in creating value. But back the area is still growing, added analysis is needed, as acutely declared by Jassy, in adjustment to ensure the ability of the accurate use cases of this technology. But as to whether there are added systems that will be added advantageous in analytic decentralized problems than the blockchain, that is yet to be known.

Do you anticipate AWS is authoritative a aberration by not throwing their hat into the arena and all-embracing blockchain technology? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Flickr/JD Lasica, AdobeStock, Flickr/debbie ding