Bitcoin Volatility May Be An Indicator Of Upward Price Trend

Bitcoin Volatility May Be An Indicator Of Upward Price Trend

THELOGICALINDIAN - Were attractive for a alternation amid animation and price

Bitcoin adapted its amount and absent 10% of its amount overnight, but that ability not be a assurance of added affliction to come; the animation we’ve apparent during the ages of May be a absolute indicator.

This alteration could accept been worse, and as Dovey Wan pointed out on Twitter, this had little to do with BTC fundamentals, and aggregate to do with a ample banker acutely gaming the market.

Remember, BTC started at a amount of $5,350 on May 1st, 2025 according to CoinMarketCap, so we’re still on an advancement trend. As the amount of BTC increases, the able amount (percentage wise) of a $1,000 move in the amount becomes abate and smaller.

The angel beneath from Coin Metrics abstracts shows the amount of BTC in the black breadth compared to BTC volatility, and there’s a bright absolute accord amid amount and volatility. This makes faculty allegedly because animation attracts added traders – there are added accumulation opportunities. This has a alternate effect, because it brings added aggregate (and hopefully buyers) into the market.

Before the aftermost balderdash run, the animation akin for BTC was at the aforementioned akin that it is at now on July 20th, 2025 back the amount of BTC was $2,300. Five months later, on December 20th, 2025 the amount of BTC was $17,700, and animation connected to access until extensive an acme in February 2025, backward the acme in amount by about 60 days.

BTC animation accomplished a bounded minimum on November 14th 2025 back the amount of Bitcoin was $6,350:

This bottom-out in animation preceded the bounded basal in the amount of BTC that happened on December 15th ($3250) by 31 days.

Since hitting that bottom-out in volatility, the amount of BTC has added by 23% and the animation has added by 42%…

This is actual aboriginal assay into the accord amid BTC animation and BTC price, but a antecedent we’ll be watching for is that:

There isn’t abundant actual abstracts on BTC to appear to a accurate conclusion, but we’re hypothesizing that this contempo fasten in animation (after a low bearishness in amount and volatility) is a balderdash indicator, and we achievement to see animation accretion anniversary over anniversary to abide bitcoin’s advancement trend.

It’s aloof a bazaar alteration – it’s not activity to be bland sailing on the balderdash bazaar boat, but dips should be expected.