Cosmos Hits Five-Months High While Market Struggles for Direction

Cosmos Hits Five-Months High While Market Struggles for Direction

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin still aerial over 7100

The cryptocurrency bazaar continues its attempt to acquisition a directional bent over the Christmas anniversary period, with best bill in the top 20 trading sideways.

Bitcoin captivated abutment about the $7,100 akin afterwards actuality bound awash off from the $7,430 akin on Thursday. CME and BitMex arrangement expirations today may be abaft yesterday’s amount movements.

Cosmos is announcement able assets afterwards ambulatory to its accomplished trading akin back July on Thursday. At accepted levels the ATOM/USD brace is set to abutting December with assets of about 20 percent.

Luna and Ethereum Classic are the notable gainers central the top 100 by bazaar capitalization, while Centrality and Silverway are currently the affliction performers.

The absolute cryptocurrency bazaar assets traded about $184 billion this morning. This is a accident of $13 billion from its accepted account amount peak.


Cosmos is trading aback appear levels not apparent back July this year and is accurate by able dip-buying absorption and more bullish technicals.

A bullish ascendance triangle arrangement can acutely be apparent beyond the college time frames. Yesterday’s blemish aloft the $4.50 akin has put the bullish triangle blemish has generated banker interest.

Watch out for connected assets appear the $5.30 abstruse arena abutting month. The beforehand could alike amplitude to $6.00 if the arrangement is absolutely ignited.

Key abutment is begin at the $4.30 and $4.10 level, while key attrition is amid at the $4.75 and $5.00 levels.

Total Market Cap

The amount of the absolute bazaar assets circumscribed about the $184 billion level, as abstinent by TradingView.

Traders bootless to avert the cardinal $188 to $187 billion abutment area, and this has led to a added bearish alteration aback to $182 billion.

A accident of the $182 billion abutment akin could abet alike added losses appear the $175 abutment region, while assets aloft the $194 billion akin should abet abstruse affairs until the $207 billion level.

Watch out for the accumulation of a ample bullish changeabout arrangement if buyers can assuredly assemblage the amount against $207 billion.

Overall Sentiment

According to the latest abstracts from The TIE, affect against the cryptocurrency bazaar is neutral, at 49 percent.

Ethereum has the weakest intraday affect amidst the top 10, at 27 percent, while Bitcoin Cash has the strongest, at 79 percent.