Harmony's ONE Token Targets $1 After Breaking All-Time High

Harmony's ONE Token Targets $1 After Breaking All-Time High

THELOGICALINDIAN - Harmony targets new alltime highs afterwards slicing through analytical resistance

Scaling cross-chain arrangement Harmony has entered a new balderdash run. The ONE badge looks unstoppable at accepted amount levels and could ambition $1 by the end of the year.

Harmony Primed For Higher Highs

Harmony is in abounding amount analysis approach and looks to be branch appear college highs afterwards breaking through acute resistance. 

Since the alpha of the month, Harmony’s built-in token, ONE, has enjoyed abiding bullish amount action, surging by 126%. The advancement actuation accustomed the ONE badge to aperture its $0.225 attrition barrier to access amount analysis mode. Now, it faces little action preventing it from extensive new almanac highs. 

From a abstruse perspective, Harmony’s amount activity back backward March has led to the accumulation of a cup and handle on its circadian chart. This blazon of abstruse arrangement is advised a bullish signal, advertence an extending uptrend and is acclimated to atom opportunities to go long. It suggests that Harmony is now apprenticed for a accessible 200% advance that could see it ability $1 afore the end of the year.

Such a bullish ambition is bent by barometer the ambit amid the basal of the cup and the pattern’s blemish level, extending that ambit advancement from the breakout.

The optimistic angle should abound as continued as Harmony continues to authority aloft the $0.225 support. Any signs of weakness at this akin could animate investors to advertise and abstain abeyant losses. If this were to happen, the ONE badge would ambition $0.16 in a bearish scenario. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic BTC and ETH.