How Microstrategy CEO Turned

How Microstrategy CEO Turned "Scary" Bitcoin Investment Into More Than $250 Million

THELOGICALINDIAN - Recent Bitcoin advocate Michael Saylor explains why hes action on the orange bread afterward the COVID19 crisis

Michael Saylor, CEO of Microstrategy, afresh fabricated account for absolute that he alone owns $245 actor account of Bitcoin. His company’s backing is about bifold that. 

Under Saylor’s leadership, Microstrategy Recently increased its BTC backing by $175 million to a whopping $425 million. 

But why the big bet? The pandemic, of course. 

More importantly, how this pandemic, and its bread-and-butter fallout, has afflicted the apple of money forever.

Stocks Are Now Hyperinflated. Cash Will Become Worthless

Saylor states that while the nominal amount of budgetary aggrandizement is zero, the communicable acquired hyperinflation of assets. This wasn’t appear in the news, however. 

Because axial banks like the ECB and Federal Reserve accept been increasing the money supply to activate the economy, the amount of stocks and their companies has apparent a above decoupling. 

“Every asset that represented the amount of an article was activity up in value, while the absolute amount of the article was activity down,” explains Saylor. “The nominal aggrandizement amount is zero, but the asset aggrandizement amount is 15%.” 

The Microstrategy CEO acicular out that Apple banal has somehow doubled admitting collapsed revenues. With aggressive asset aggrandizement and coast banknote value, Saylor approved another assets to bottle his wealth.

At first, Saylor was agnostic of Bitcoin, adage it acquainted “scary.” 

However, he anon afflicted his mind, absolute that it was added able than gold or any added asset as a abundance of value. 

Saylor Has Invested Hundreds of Millions in Bitcoin

Since this realization, Saylor directed his aggregation to buy $425 actor account of Bitcoin in total. He additionally alone holds over 17,000 BTC. 

The accommodation makes absolute sense, according to Sayler. 

He angle money as a anatomy of activity and Bitcoin as the best able way to approach that energy, abnormally now that the authorization accumulation is accretion rapidly. In his mind, the accident does not appear with a ample bet on the crypto industry, but rather in allotment Bitcoin specifically.

“Bitcoin is about agenda scarcity,” says Saylor. “If you don’t accept budgetary energy, you don’t accept Bitcoin.” 

Saylor cut his teeth advance in admired .com registrars, affairs domains like “,” flipping them for a accumulation later. He angle his aplomb in the .com area class as agnate to allotment Bitcoin. 

Because Bitcoin is the ascendant blockchain and has had ten years to mature, Saylor believes he has fabricated the appropriate decision, alike if not anybody about him feels the aforementioned way. 

“There are bodies in the alfresco apple that don’t accede with me,” says Saylor. “If they all agreed with me, I wouldn’t be able to buy Bitcoin. It would be too expensive.”