Litecoin Price Analysis: In Decline

Litecoin Price Analysis: In Decline

THELOGICALINDIAN - Litecoin is in decline

Litecoin is advancing beneath accretion abstruse affairs burden beneath the $45.00 akin afterwards afresh been heavily alone from the cerebral $50.00 level.

The LTC/USD brace has been one of the best bearish cryptocurrencies central the top 10 by bazaar assets over the aftermost few months and has absent about 70 percent of its amount back peaking in late-June.

Technical assay on the lower time frames shows that the cryptocurrency could ache a abatement appear the $36.00 abutment akin afore staging a allusive recovery.

The four-hour time anatomy highlights that a ample arch and amateur arrangement is currently in play, with the all-embracing downside ambition of the bearish arrangement amid at the $36.00 level.

The circadian time anatomy offers yet added affirmation that the LTC/USD brace may be headed appear the $36.00 level. Price is affective central ample falling block pattern, with the basal of the block amid about the $36.00 level.

Although the trend is currently heavily bearish, a accretion from the $36.00 akin seems possible, as falling block patterns are generally acclimated as reliable changeabout patterns.

According to the admeasurement of the block pattern, the LTC/USD brace could date a accretion against $70.00, if a bullish blemish from the block arrangement occurs.

Cautious traders may delay for the blemish from the upside of block to occur, accustomed the abiding declivity the LTC/USD brace currently acquisition itself in.

Upside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy shows that key abstruse attrition is now amid at the $47.00 and $50.00 levels.

Key abstruse attrition over the medium-term is amid at the $57.00 and $70.00 levels.

Downside Potential

The four-hour time anatomy is assuming that the LTC/USD brace has able medium-term abstruse abutment about the $40.00 and $36.00 levels.

Critical abiding abstruse abutment for Litecoin is amid at $30.00.


Technical assay suggests that the LTC/USD brace could see added double-digit declines over the advancing canicule and weeks afore it starts to about-face higher.

Both the four-hour and circadian time frames are assuming that the $36.00 akin could be a accessible breadth area medium-term beasts may attending to enter.

Check out our bread adviser for an addition to Litecoin.

We additionally wrote a DARE (Digital Asset Report and Evaluation) for the project, allegory the approaching affairs of the Bitcoin competitor.